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The next day they were up early stripping beds, putting towels in the bathrooms, cleaning floors, dusting everything and making a grocery list of things that they'd pick up later. "Ok...so beds are stripped and made." Kara said. "Good! I've cleaned the floors and dusted everything." Lena replied. "And all the bathrooms have fresh towels in them too." Kara added. "Ok...let's get showered and go grocery shopping." Lena said. "Good idea." Kara replied as they headed to their bedroom.

A little while later they were roaming the grocery store putting different things into their cart as they walked along. "Ok...is that everything?" Kara asked. "Nope...we still need to get snacks for girls night." Lena replied. "Oh thats right...girls night with our moms there..that'll be interesting..." Kara replied. "Oh stop darling. It'll be fine...come on let's get some chips and dip, and wine." Lena said. "Ok..now what are we gonna have for real food at girls night?" Kara asked. "How about pizzas?" Lena suggested. "Alright pizzas it is. Is there anything else we need?" Kara asked. "Yes...lunch..." Lena replied.

On the way home from the grocery store they ordered take away to have after they put their groceries away. After slumping onto the sofa Kara passed Lena a container of Chinese food and a glass of wine. "Ok...after this we need to get some work done..." Kara said. "Agreed...I'm glad we got everything ready for Friday." Lena said. "Me too!" Kara exclaimed. "I'm kinda excited about it....getting started on planning our wedding." Lena added.

After lunch was finished they headed into their home office to get some work done. Lena was busying herself answering emails while Kara was busy with a phone call with a  reporter who was pitching a story she wanted to do on the fashion scene downtown. "Ok! That sounds good. Go ahead run with it." Kara replied before ending the call. "That sounded like a good call." Lena said. "It was. The newest cub reporter is taking initiative and pitched me a story on the fashion scene downtown." Kara said. "Oh? Well good for them. I can't wait to read it." Lena said.

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