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"  truly i ain't got no business her but since my friends are here i just came to kick it

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" truly i ain't got no business her but since my friends are here i just came to kick it. "




Click! Flash.

Flashing camera lights blinded me. Paparazzi yelled out unnecessary and ucomforting comments but I still kept my pose.

"Indiyah, how's Kenya?" I caught a question from some anonymous photographer.

i was not having this conversation today.

I ignored it and waved to the journalist and flashing white lights. A hand wrapped around my waist and ushered me into the club.

Blinking, my eyes adjusted to the polar opposite dim low lighting in the club.
Deli by Icespice blasted thoughout the building. The club wasn't as hype yet but that's why the fuck i was invited here.

"Indiyah!" a girl in a orange lace front ran towards me. I melted into her when i realized she was Soriya. My best friend.

"Fuck your tits look amazing." She beamed examining them.

I was wearing a short sleeveless blue dress that i had to alter a bit to hug my ass a bit more and clear heels.

I had gone to my favourite hairgirl to get my curly black 30 inch bussdown LAID.

"Fuck babe thank you." I grinned back at her.

"We're over there." She grabbed my hand and took me over to a booth in the corner. A bunch of our friends were already there taking selfies and pregaming with tequila shots.

Most of my going out friends were social media influencers like i was. I had other friends of course but i put them in groups to. I had my close friends that weren't famous but never reminded me that i was like everyone else did, my shit talking friends, my work friends, and then my content creators.

Call us fake sure but, at the end of the day it's still me whos paying my motherfucking bills. If you'd like to pay for them go right fucking ahead.


"Oh!" My preppy ass redhead Yvonne smiled at me. Her lips were painted with red lipstick that hit perfectly with the lighting of the club. "I got someone for you to meet."

I kissed her cheek. "Yvonne, i just got here can we please set me up with a man later?"

She sighed overdramatically. "Indiyah Jakute you will be the death of me and you will die with cobwebs in your vagina i fucking swear. "

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