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" the whole instrumental bit

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" the whole instrumental bit."


Being apart of Ludmil's high elites in his mafia was seriously kicking my ass. It was almost midnight when I'd got home and Indiyah was still awake. My wife refused to sleep whenever i wasn't there. In the next two weeks we will have been officially married for 7 months. Times flown right fucking by with how busy we've both been with paparazzi, Ludmil, Natasiya and Orions baby and the whole clothing brand Indiyah was about to release soon.

My father had been acting up as well, ever since my mother's brother stepped down as mafia king my father hasn't been a prickly sickly bastard. The other day I'd found Iva and I's old baby photos at our front doorstep with stickynotes telling us the backstory of each of the photos.

Indiyah eating gummy worms and scrolling on tiktok in our bed when i got home. She jumped up at me. "Hi baby."

I sank into her embrace. "Hello Love."

"How was it?"

I sighed into her aroma filled cleavage. "Draining. We'd borrowed money to a couple of locals but its been a month and they haven't returned it." I placed a kiss on her chest. "Plus, they've decided to find Ludmil a wife."

Indiyahs hands massaged my scalp."Like an arranged marriage?"

"Only if it gets to a really bad akward point where he doesn't have a wife then yeah."

"Oh." Her fingers played with a few strands of mty hair. "Did you eat this morning?"

"There was food at Ludmil's."

"Dominick, did you eat?" Indiyah asked again. My silence was enough of an answer for her. She pushed my head out her cleavage and got out of bed. "I'll bring you something to eat."

"No," i reached out for her. "Detka it's okay like seriously i don't mind at all. I'm fine."

"Baby. Be for real." Indiyah put her hands on her hips."You of all people Dominick Frederic Ruslana should know that lying to me is useless. "

I did know. Better than anyone actually. I heard her feet patter against the wood tiles as she walked downstairs to get mr something to eat. I was secretly grateful she was going through all the trouble. We both knew i wouldn't have eaten if she wasn't forcing me to right now. I got up and stripped out of my clothes deciding to take a shower and get comfortable while she was getting the food.

When i was done showering, there was a tray of food on her vanity.

She tossed a pair of boxers to me. Indiyah practically lived in my clothes no matter how many i bought her. She was wearing my shirt that looked like a short dress on her right now and everytime she travelled she took my cologne with her. I loved it. She was so beautiful. Every single time i caught her gaze i could feel my face heating. She was so special.

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