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" one love , two mouths  one love,  one house

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" one love , two mouths
one love, one house. no shirt , no blouse, just us you find out. "


I loved Dominick's fucking family. They were so many of them. I knew he had a large family but i didn't expect like a million people here today. They were all really sweet to. They were all asking about Natasiya's dress and i was like YES. THAT'S ME Y'ALL I DID IT. It was just so comforting and heartwarming.

Where was my man anyway. It's like he'd disappeared once we saw his dad. I knew all the things Dominick had told me he had done but i just don't think an old white man could scare me. I was raised that being a pussy was the last option. Especially with all the shit I've gotten with me in the last couple of years I'd be damned if one of them tried with me.

I was on my way to get food because i knew needed to eat some leftovers tomorrow morning after this hectic ass day. A hand grabbed my arm.

"Hi!" A short strawberry blond girl smiled. She seemed about 7 or 8 and looked like a child version of every woman in the family.

"Oh hi." I squatted to be at her eye level and i don't really understand why because i was 5 foot 2 and she was basically 4'10 or 9.

"Are you Indiyah? Like the country."

"I am Indiyah but not like the country. My name is spelled I-N-D-I-Y-A- H." I traced the letters on her palm. "The country is spelled like I-N-D-I-A."

"Then why were you named Indiyah?"

" I was born there."

"My names Maria but i wasn't born in Maria. I was born in Russia. My mom told me." She said proudly.

"That's amazing. Where is your mom?" I asked. She pointed at a woman and man sitting next Iva. The man was blond so im guessing he was Natasiyas cousin or some thing and the woman was a redhead. I looked back at Maria's strawberry blond hair.


Maria played with one of my braids."Are you and my uncle Dom gonna get married?"

Oh. That caught me off guard so i just giggled. "Why? Would you like that? For me and your uncle to get married?"

She nodded. "My friend is um black and she's white. And she has um curly curly hair and its super super pretty and it's super super big! And when you and uncle Dom get married I'll have a sister with big big curly hair to!"

Aww. Okay maybe i might just let Dominick get me pregnant.

"Would you like that?" I tickled Maria. " A sister with big big curly hair?" Maria bursted into a fit of giggles in my arms. I love children. They're laughs made me want to literally sit down and cry.

I saw Dominick in the corner surrounded by little blond haired children. Swinging them up in the air one by one. He carried one boy like he was an airplane and flew him around. He looked so happy with them. Like they were his own children. He was so beautiful. He was so beautiful every time he smiled or grinned or did anything. He stood out from every one. It was just him.

"He's good with them isn't he?" I turned and saw his father lurking behind me with another cup of alcohol in his hands.

"Maria go to your uncle." Maria ran off. I straightened and faced the man who'd brought so much trauma on the people i loved. I wonder how many times he'd practiced his fake ass smile.

"He's always had a soft spot for them under that large layer of cold and bitch face." He chuckled to himself. "great with kids."

"I'm guessing its because you were such a good role model correct sir?" I asked innocently.

He chuckled into his cup. "Fiesty one aren't you? Can see why my son likes you. "He extended his hand. "Mikhail. My name is Mikhail. Sir is something a bit too formal for me."

I took his hand. "Mikhail. I think your pretty aware on my name."

"Indiyah. Unique name." He flipped my hand over examining my engagement ring. "Good taste though. What is this? 20? No. 30 carat ring isn't it?"

"If it was any bigger might've fallen off my hand. I don't really plan on losing it. Losing Dominick either." We locked eyes.

Mikhail smiled at me wickedly and pulled me into a hug. "He's a killer." He whispered into my ear.

"Then what does that make you?" I said against his own ear. "If he catches you holding me like this you might just ne next on his killer list. You know that to."

Mikhail let me go. "You're a smart girl."

"The smart thing for me to do would be give Dominick the word to kill you. But I'm gonna decide to be stupid and have you two work your shit out so my children aren't as fucked up as the both of you."

Mikhail smirked. "He won't listen to me."

"Then listen to him and listen to me."
I took a dangerouss step closer to him.
" I love your son. Alot. And i haven't loved any man in a really fucking long time."

Killian and Nikolai's eyes locked on us. Ready to interfer if anything happend. I nodded at them." I love him so much i am willing to get past his whole serial killer shit that you taught him. So if you do not heal the wounds you created i will hurt you. And you've hurt alot of people who would love to hurt you back This isn't a threat sir. It's a promise."

I stepped away from him. Mikhail had a large grin on his face." I was beginning to wonder what type of woman my son would marry. I'm glad its yours." He drifted away and the moment he did Nikolai and Killian were at my side.

"All good?" Nikolai asked.

I smiled. "All good. We were just having a little chat."

"No one has cute little chats with Mikhail Ruslana." Killian shoved his hands in his pocket.

"Maybe I'm just special."

"In the austitic way?" Nikolai turned to me.

I slapped him across the face. "Unh unh. Not with me. Not right now. I just got made feeling real cool after just protecting my man bitch do not play with me."

MY MAN. Where was he anyway.

I ran into the house. "Baby?" I kicked my heels off to get more momentum. "BABY."

Dominick grabbed me from behind. "Yes love?"

I peppered his face with kisses. "I love you. So much." The words came out of my mouth before i could even think about them.

Dominick blinked at me. Before i could explain myself he pushed me against the wall gently and latched his mouth onto mine. It wasn't a hungry lustful kiss. It was possesive and hot and delicious. He was delicious. He pulled away reluctantly for air. "I love you to. And we need to start planning this wedding because i am really getting tired of jacking off in the bath room every day."

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wasn't wearing a shirt so i was guessing he'd just showered. RIGHT. We were leaving for new york tomorrow. Natasiya and Orion were already on their way to the Maldives for their honeymoon.

I looked at Dominick. His features. They were like pieces from a taken painting and his father had been the painting.


Dominick was meeting my crazy ass father.





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