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" cause girl your perfect

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" cause girl your perfect. you're always worth it and you deserve it. "



Indiyah was changing into her pyjamas in the bathroom. We were both exhausted from the fucking day we'd both had.

I flipped open my own suit case.I started to unbutton my shirt when the bathroom door opened. "Did you finish showering..."

My words faltered when I saw her.


I eyed her up and down, my gaze lingering on the lingerie. Lace. It was a black short transparent night gown. She was naked under it. I could see her perky nipples pressing against the fabric  waiting to be touched.

"The girls packed this for me.." Indiyah muttered.

I smirked. Her eyes glinted in the dim light of the room. I stepped closer to her, my hand reaching out to touch the lace fabric of her lingerie. "Well, I must say, the girls have good taste."

Indiyah took a step, closing the space between us. "Yeah they do." Our foreheads were touching now. The space between us so little I could feel her breath on my neck. Her lips brushed against my mouth. Teasing.

The whole time we'd been dating and engaged we'd teased. Teasing touches, kisses, movements. I couldn't wait anymore.

My hands wrap around her waist, pulling her closer to me. Her legs wrapped around my waist as i lifted her up. We kissed. Our kisses were rough and demanding, but there was a hint of tenderness behind them.

My erection was pressing against her bare wetness. I  growled softly as I trailed kisses down her neck, my hands roaming over her body. The body I'd wanted to feel like this for months.  I  reached for the hem of her nightgown to pull it off.  Freeing her breasts. My  mouth quickly  found  one of her nipples, teasing it with my tongue. "You're so fucking sexy."

Indiyah used the back of her hand to cover her mouth, the whimpers escaping it.

My hand slides down her body, in between her thighs. She gasped as i inserted a finger inside of her. I smirked as I watched her reaction, my fingers pumping in and out of her slowly. I added a second finger, stretching her and preparing her for me. My other hand moves to her clit, rubbing small circles around it and sending waves of pleasure through her body. "Yeah? That feel good?"

Indiyah nodded and i pulled my fingers out to the very tip. "Words love. I wanna hear you."

"mhm.. it feels good put them back.." she choked out.

My fingers continued to move inside of her. I could feel her walls tightening around me, telling me that she was getting close. I leaned down and captured her lips in a passionate kiss, my  tongue exploring her mouth as I continued to work her.

Indiyah moaned into my mouth."fuck i need you in me."

I eagerly obliged, pulling my fingers out of her in a swift motion.

I undid my belt quickly. "Detka you've said you've done this before right?"

She nodded. I pushed my underwear down with my pants. Her eyes widening at the sight of my length. I saw her gulp.

"Are you sure you're ready?" I asked, twirling her nipple between my fingers.

"I'm sure."

"I'm not gonna be gentle with you."

"I don't want you to be gentle."

I positioned myself at her entrance. With one thrust i entered her deeply, filling her up completely. I gave her a moment to adjust to my size. I began to move in and out of her slowly quickening my pace.

Indiyah moaned against my ear fueling me to lose control. I started to move my hips faster, driving into her harder and harder. My fingers reached down to grip her breasts, pinching and teasing her nipples as I continued my assault.

Indiyah's moans grew louder. Her nails dug into my back.I  grunted at the feeling of her nails digging into my skin. I involuntarily thrusted harder into her, the feeling of her nails only serving to spur me on. Her breath is hot against your ear as he continues to move inside of you. "oh fuck...faster baby please."

With a grunt, I started to move even faster, slamming into her with all of my strength. My grip on her breasts tightened, the pain only serving to heighten her own pleasure. "Like that?"

"fuck yes."

I felt her clench around me signalling how close she was. The feeling of being inside of her was exhilarating. I groaned as I felt her walls clench around me. My  hips start to move in a stuttering, desperate rhythm as I pounded into her, seeking my own release. My breath is hot against her skin as I moved my  mouth down to bite at her neck, the pleasure almost overwhelming.

" baby i think im gonna cum.."

I can hear the panting of her breath, the desperate need in her voice. I moved my hand down to rub at her clit, knowing that it might send her over the edge. I myself is only seconds away, the pleasure building inside of me at almost unbearable levels. " detka your gonna cum with me okay."

I felt her body tense around me as she reach her climax, the sensation almost too much for me to bear. With a groan of pleasure, I buried myself deep inside her and released my own load, my hips bucking frantically from the impact of my orgasm.

I collapsed on top of her, my breathing ragged and heavy. I tried to catch my breath as I kissed her neck, my hands still gripping her hips. "You feel so good," I murmured  with a contented sigh.

She chuckled lowly."You make me feel good."

I pressed my lips on her lips as I pulled out of her slowly. I lifted her up by the thighs and took her to the bathroom. I sat her down on the toilet gently. I let her pee as i wet a towel to clean her up with.

I turned to her. "Done?"


I lifted her off the toilet. Her legs wrapping back around my waist as i carried her back to the bedroom. I exchanged the dirty sheets for new ones and tucked up next to my wife.

"So," Indiyah said against my chest. "Was I worth the wait?"

"More than."






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