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" i ask myself what am i doing here? "

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" i ask myself what am i doing
here? "


"Come onnn." My sister whined.


She was trying to get me to go to one of her friends and probably clients afterparty at some club. I'd told her no atleast 15 times now but my sisters wasn't hopping off my fucking ass about it.

"Please Dominick, pleaseee."

I stroked my pencil down on the sketchbook in front of me. "Why are you shitting yourself over this? I'm not going."

She reached for the sketchbook and i caught her wrist. I'd had this image of a dress for three days and I'd just began the procesa of sketching it and that's really what I'd rather be doing on my fucking Friday.

"Lets just goo." She persisted.

I freed her wrist from my grip. "Why do you want me to go so fucking bad Iva?"

She placed her hands on her hips."Because. You're depressing as shit! Sitting around in this sad grey office drawing party dresses as if you even attend them."

Finally, i met her gaze. "You're such a bad liar."

She huffed like she always did before she was about to have a fit.

Here we go.

"You're 29 Dominick. You are 29 and have no friends, no relationships, no social life and no social skills. It's generally concerning!"

"First of all, i have many people who consider me their friends. I just don't consider them as mine."

"Killian, Nikolai and Ludmil don't count!"

I dragged my hand through my hair. This conversation was getting exhausting and i love my sister but i was really close to crushing her fucking skull.


"No.You listen." She stomped her heel down. "I am just looking out for you like a good sister and you aren't even trying to cooperate with me. Do you know how hard it is being your  sister? I'm the one who's getting fucking lectured for you not being engaged as if your not a fucking grown man!" Tears were streaming down her face.


Guilt surged through me. I knew how much tougher my parents were on her compared to me. I pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry."

She sniffed. "No you're not."

"I am."

She looked up at me with large doe eyes. "Will you go to the club with me?"

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