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" love the way you listen you know all my details you so damn attentive you got my attention babe can't forget to mention babe

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" love the way you listen you know all my details you so damn attentive you got my attention babe can't forget to mention babe . "




Boyfriend. I HAD A BOYFRIEND GUYS. AFTER LIKE 3 BILLION YEARS OF BEING A REBORN VIRGIN. I mean that was my personal choice but shut the fuck up.

I was actually someone's girlfriend. It was such a surreal feeling for me like, being in a relationship again after so LONG.

To be able to say i had a boyfriend who was TALLER THAN ME WAS A MOTHERFUCKING RELIEF.

I was really starting to worry because what if the reason i hadn't gotten into arelationship yet was because my soulmate was a short king.

Respect to the short kings and their girls though, they're out bravest soldiers.

"Hey siri play Crazy in Love by Beyonce."

"Playing crazy in love by Beyonce." The intro of the song if requested blasted through my apartment.

Maybe i was crazy in love who knows. AHHHHHHH!

I kicked the sheets off my feet ready to dance,"YOUR LOVES GOT ME HOPIN YOU'LL PAGE ME RIGHT NOW!!" i sang along.

I dougied into my white and gold marble bathroom. With my hands on my knees, i shaked my ass. I swayed my hips side to side making my ass jiggle.

I threw my shirt off and danced into the shower.

Real hot girls pretended they were in tiktok edits about themselves being fucking preppy ass icons that they are.

It builds charecter.

The chorus of the song came along and i screamed to it, "YOUR LOVES GOT ME LOOKIN SO, LOOKIN SO CRAZY IN LOVE!" my voice cracked on the last word. The music had stopped because somebody with daddy issues and probably chlamydia had decided to call me at 9 FUCKING AM IN THE MORNING.

Y'all watch my vlogs i thought we established i do not entertain human interaction until I've had my second breakfast.



I quickly dried my hand with a towel and answered the call, " Hello?"

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