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" you hit me so hard i saw stars

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" you hit me so hard i saw stars. "


I couldn't breathe. Every time i inhaled a sharp pain thundered in my chest.

"What the fuck happend?" Indiyah said. Her voice echoed in my ears. I could feel her touch and presence on me but i couldn't see her. My eyes felt like they were glued shut and no matter how hard i tried they didn't open.

Nikolai rubbed his hair with a towel. "This isn't our story to tell right now."

"The fuck it's not." Indiyah snarled. "My boyfriend just came back home bloody and shot in the chest and it's not your story to tell right now?"

Iva sighed. "Indiyah calm down-"

"I'll do whatever the fuck i want until someone tells me what happend to my boyfriend."

Killian looked around the room. He was uncomfortable. I knew he didn't like the situation we were in and i knew he hated lying to Indiyah even more.

"Please." Indiyah's voice broke. The emotion in her voice shattered the wall to the information Killian had built.

"Fine." Killian sighed and he told Indiyah everything that happend tonight . Everything.


3 hours earlier

A black sleek gigantic mansion faced us as we peered outside of it. It was a beautiful house from the outside. The green plants twisting and sticking to the wall, the fancy lights that shined the brightest in the neighbourhood, the 76 security cameras that surrounded the whole house.

To anyone who drove by it was a normal large house that belonged to some rich dick. To us we were outside the house of terrors. The rich dick part was true but there was nothing beautiful about this fucked up house of psychos.

Iva and I stepped out of the car. The house was fucking impossible to get o and impossible to leave. We knew better than anyone. I placed my eye against the camera for a retna scan. Iva did the same and the gate clicked open. Nikolai drove us in.

Two black Great Danes were in restrains being held by one of my fathers henchmen.

Killian nodded to him. Natasiya gave his hand a comforting squeeze. He knew the henchman. It was one of the children he'd gotten taken with when his mother had been sex trafficked. Killian had been mute for 10 years until i was running away one night and he begged for me to take him with me.

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