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" i could name couple ways, baby, this shit might go you might just forget that this is what you're getting high for

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" i could name couple ways, baby, this shit might go you might just forget that
this is what you're getting high for. "



My bonnet landed on the floor. Dominick was coming over and i was completely shitting myself. My room was a fucking mess, my laundry was all over the fucking floor, and my eco gel was almost finished and my braids were fuzzy as fuck.

Knock! Knock! Knock !

Shit. "Give me a minute!" I shoved my my clothes into my laundry basket, swabbed lipgloss on my lips and reached for my perfume. Another knock on the door.

"Detka, I'm gonna break this fucking door if you don't open it."

I dropped the perfume on my bed and opened the door. "Hey."

His eyes were dark and low. "You smell so good." His gaze dropped from my eyes to my lips.

"I'm not wearing any perfume."


My breath hitched."Oh. I-"

He kissed me hard. "You smell amazing."

"You wanna come-"

"Let me in."

I grabbed his hand. I felt his eyes follow me as i turned, a wicked smile on his face. The door shut.

He picked me up by the hips and kissed me again more desperate and hungry this time.

He tasted delicious.

He sat on my bed keeping me on his lap. His hands traveled up my back then down to cup my ass. I moaned into his mouth and smiled up at me.

"I missed you."

"I missed you to."

He kissed my palm. "I really really fucking missed you. It's just.." he whispered softly. "Can i keep you?"

"I'm yours."

"You're mine." His hands rubbed my waist. His long fingers dragging up my stomach. To my boobs.

He flipped me onto my back so he was towering over me. Dominick' brushed his lips against the shell of your ear, letting out a low chuckle as he spoke to me. "Tell me what you want. What you like."

His fingers trace a path up your thigh, teasing and possessive. I gasped. Fuck i needed him so bad. His smirk widened when he heard my whimper. "Do you like that?"

I nodded silently. I needed him and i need him now. His hand slid further up my thigh, dangerously close to the apex of my legs. He kept his eyes on mine the whole time. They were green with hints of hazel in them.

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