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" she knows what i think about

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" she knows what i think about. and what i dream about. "


We got back from Switzerland two weeks ago and the whole time we've been back here Indiyah has found some weird strange excuse for us to get out of going. But the more she stalled the whole process the more we had to postpone actually getting serious  work done on our wedding.  AND I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE COLD SHOWERS. I CAN'T. I FEEL LIKE MY DICK IS ABOUT TO FREEZE UP AND FALL OFF FORGET THE FEEL OF BEING AROUND TIGHT WARM PUSSY. I CAN'T TAKE ANY MUCH LONGER OF THIS.

We'd been busy though I'll give her that, with Ruslana Couture and the trust the company was giving her with letting her launch her own line of dresses and streetwear and with the whole assest changes being handed over to Ludmil since we've decided it is his time to rule of the mafia.

Natasiya and Orion announced their pregnancy and Nikolai and Killian were being Nikolai and Killian. They were in London as of now talking to a man named Deckard Shaw who'd took some money from us we haven't recieved back yet. My father had finally admitted and taken the deal into my mother's side of the familys mafia. My father had been acting  stranger than unusual lately. He was acting a bit more... like a father?  And Iva was Iva. Nobody was fucking dumb enough to even try to tell her what to do.

If she wasn't going to come with me I'd go myself.

"What do you mean you're going to meet my parents for dinner tonight?!" Indiyah screamed at me.

I tightened my belt. "It means love, i want to be married to you. And this whole dragging it out process isn't really working for me."

"So you're just gonna go there?"

"Pretty much love."

"What if they fees you pap? Or nsima and like something else i grew up eating with?"

"Hmm, maybe I'll eat it?" I went back into our closet and Indiyah followed me.

"But you don't know how to eat it!"

I picked out a shirt. "Maybe. But Chi's there. We'll help each other out."

My beautiful darling wife threw a six inch stilleto at me. I turned and caught before it could meet my spine. She screamed. After  a few minutes of having a temper tantrum she agreed to come with me.

She was so cute.


"Okay so when we get in there it is yes please, yes sir, yes ma'am and no thank you." Indiyah was explaing to me when we got to her parents home. It was a beautiful large house. Almost fit for someone in the mafia.

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