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" baby you get me so soaked

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" baby you get me so soaked. "


"Should i pack a thong and be like those girls who take pictures in their bikinis on the snow?"


"Whyy. Those girls always go super viral."

"You are not taking a picture in a thong."

"This is my job. It pays my bills."

"What bills?" Dominick pulled out 3 gigantic wads of dollar bills. "These? Need a bit more?"

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Baby you know what i mean."

"Love, no, i really don't. " He flinged the thong across my room. "Why would you wanna wear a thong in winter. In Switzerland of all places actually."

"Because it's iconic! Were you even listening to half the shit i was saying?"

"In all honesty half your tit is out and that kinda had my attention if we're being honest here."

"Fuck you!" I threw an empty energy drink can at him. Dominick caught it with one hand without a flinch.

Butterflies. What the fuck was up with me. Dominick smiled at me. I glared and he laughed.

"Stop its not even funny."

He wheezed. "Detka you just look really cute when you're upset im sorry."

"I hate you."

His laughing died down. He raised an eyebrow. Shit i fucked up.

"Say that again detka." Dominck took a step closer. " I didn't think i heard you correctly the first time."

I gulped. I knew i was gonna regret even opening my mouth but i had to show bae who was in charge sometimes. "I hate you."

He raised an eyebrow. In a swift movement I was pushede onto the bed and was holding me down. I could feel the pre cum coating my folds and his dick pressed right up against my entrance. He could break my cellibucy right there and then if he wanted to anf i wouldn't give a fuck.

I needed him inside of me so fucking bad. I throbbed against him. He pushed my panties and shorts to the side. I gasped. His fingers brushed against my folds. "You hate me right?" His voice was low.

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