Chapter 32: Product, Aunt, Rejection, and Terrorists

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That night, Jacques sat in his private quarters, a glass of expensive Atlassian brandy in hand, as Falcon entered the room. The air was tense, a shared understanding that their conversation needed to remain strictly confidential.

Jacques swirled his drink, taking a slow sip before responding. "The product certainly had a dramatic effect. But was it necessary to use it in such a public setting? We don't need any unnecessary attention."

Falcon, a smirk on his face, shrugged nonchalantly. "The Vytal Festival was the perfect testing ground. High stakes, high visibility. We needed to see how it would perform under pressure."

He pulled out his scroll, beginning the process of wiping any data or history related to their plan. As he worked, he continued, "And don't worry about the UNE. By the time they start piecing things together, there won't be a trace of our involvement. This," he gestured to the scroll, "is just a precaution."

Jacques nodded, setting his glass down. "The last thing we need is the UNE breathing down our necks. Especially with their recent alliance with Atlas. It complicates things."

Falcon paused, looking up from his scroll. "Complications can be managed. As long as we stick to the plan and keep our tracks covered, we'll be fine. Besides, this little demonstration has shown us the potential of our product. Imagine the chaos we can unleash with more refined versions."

Jacques leaned back in his chair, considering the implications. "True. But we need to ensure that our interests remain protected. The Schnee Dust Company cannot be linked to any of this."

Falcon gave a reassuring nod. "Of course. The product is being developed under strict confidentiality, with no ties back to the company. Any loose ends will be dealt with accordingly."

Jacques sighed, a mix of satisfaction and apprehension in his eyes. "Very well. But remember, Falcon, this partnership is based on mutual benefit. If anything goes wrong, it's your head on the line."

Falcon chuckled, finishing up his task on the scroll. "Understood, Mr. Schnee. I'll make sure everything runs smoothly."

As Falcon left the room, Jacques stared into his glass, the weight of their conspiracy settling heavily on his shoulders. The path they were on was dangerous, but the potential rewards were too great to ignore. For now, all they could do was proceed cautiously and hope their secrets remained buried.

At the same time, Winter paced in her quarters, the events of the day weighing heavily on her mind. She pulled out her scroll and dialed a number she knew by heart, hoping her aunt Miho Nishizumi would answer despite the late hour in Atlas. The dial tone seemed to stretch on forever before it finally clicked.

"Winter?" Miho's voice was slightly groggy but filled with warmth. "Is everything okay?"

Winter let out a sigh of relief. "Aunt Miho, I need to talk. It's about... everything, really. Family and... someone special."

Miho's tone shifted to one of concern and focus. "Of course, Winter. I'm here. Tell me what's going on."

Winter took a deep breath, trying to organize her thoughts. "Today was... intense. We had a match, and it got interrupted by Cinder Fall going berserk. Tyrone Towson won, but it was chaotic. Then, there's Jacques. I hate seeing him manipulate people and use them like pawns. And Mom... she looked so defeated, as always. I feel like I'm losing my family."

Miho listened quietly, allowing Winter to vent her frustrations. "It's understandable to feel overwhelmed, Winter. Your father has always been a source of stress, but you are stronger than him. You have a good heart."

Winter nodded, even though Miho couldn't see her. "Thanks, Aunt Miho. And there's something else... someone else, actually. Anthony Towson. I think I have feelings for him, but I don't know how to approach it. He's... complicated. Strong, but with a lot of responsibilities."

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