Chapter 29: Big Three, inspections, President, General, and WTF!?

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The next day came and was going smooth. As UNE quadrupled in their security as all branches were on overdrive.

Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, and the Navy were everywhere around Vale.

Air Force fighter jets, Bombers, and attack jets took the skies to the point that Ironwood had tell his Air fleet to land as the UNE took the skies.

Navel ships from battleships(American), aircraft carriers(mainly American), helicopter carriers, assault carriers, destroyers, frigates, cruisers, corvettes, and submarines took the waters.

And Soldiers and marines took the streets, rooftops, and coliseum.

The why this extra shit?

Is because the UNE's Big Three are here.

President Lincoln Clinton of the United States of America. Tall, former US Army captain, African-American, dreadlocks, trimmed beard, and personality that makes a excellent leader in both the American people, military and politicians.

Russian Premier Bogdan Mikhaylov of Unified States of Russia. Average height, gentleman, aggressive when needed, experienced politician, former sailor and former boxer.

And President Fēn Xú of the Republic of China. Young, soft spoken, pianist, singer, former Air Force pilot, experienced in talking to both the public and politicians and is favorable to the military for reforms.

All the three leaders were currently at Beacon Academy and were guided and guarded by both American, Chinese, and Russian Marines and Secret Service agents.

The presence of the UNE's Big Three added a palpable tension to Beacon Academy and the surrounding areas. Security was tighter than ever, with every corner, rooftop, and alleyway watched over by vigilant soldiers and marines. The air buzzed with the hum of jets and the distant rumble of naval vessels, a constant reminder of the formidable force now protecting Vale.

Teams RWBY and JNPR watched from a distance as the three leaders moved through the academy grounds, surrounded by an entourage of security personnel.

"Wow, it's not every day you see the leaders of the world all in one place," Ruby remarked, her eyes wide with amazement.

"Yeah, especially with security like this," Jaune added, looking around at the heavily armed forces stationed everywhere.

Weiss, ever the realist, noted, "It makes sense, though. With everything that's been happening, they need to ensure the safety of their leaders."

Yang nodded, her expression serious. "I just hope nothing goes wrong. With this much firepower around, any trouble could escalate quickly."

Blake's cat ears twitched beneath her bow, picking up on the myriad of conversations and movements around them. "Let’s hope it stays quiet."

As the three leaders continued their tour, they were introduced to various aspects of Beacon’s training programs and facilities. President Clinton, Premier Mikhaylov, and President Fēn Xú listened attentively to the explanations given by Professor Ozpin and General Walker, who had joined the tour to provide insights from the military perspective.

President Clinton, with his commanding presence and warm smile, engaged in conversations with students and faculty alike. His background as a former US Army captain shone through as he discussed military tactics and strategies with the students, offering advice and encouragement.

Premier Mikhaylov, with his stern demeanor, observed everything with a keen eye. His background as a former sailor and boxer made him a man of action and precision. He asked pointed questions about Beacon’s defenses and the integration of the UNE forces with the academy’s security.

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