CHAPTER ELEVEN; The Best Student In The Class

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  I came to School today feeling  reluctant, wondering why  I have to be in School after everything Chibuikem told me concerning the Schools 'christmas Carol'. I am still in shock and amazement till this very moment, 'why? How come?'

I kept wondering to myself in disbelief. To survive in a public School,one needs to brace themselves up for surprises other wise, even a teenager would be diagnosed with heart attack here.

   Last week Friday,after sweeping my class room and successfully dodging the School fellowship leader, I went to the back of the Junior Section to find Chibuikem there with a group of boys as usual, this was his usual routine every Friday. I didn't bother investigating on this or asking him questions because I trust him, regardless of what my parents think or say.

    We were walking home as usual when I brought the topic up childishly" um , Chibuikem, so, what would you be presenting when we are having our Christmas Carol on Friday next week? Well , I'll like to present a dance or maybe, sing one or two songs-" He interrupted me  with a loud shout, followed by laughter" oh! Wow! She is looking for Christmas Carol in Osa School, ha ha ha." He said to students passing by on the street while laughing out loud he immediately stopped a student coming from the opposite direction and asked him the same question that I asked him a while ago and the student decided to be so sarcastic" Oh well, I'll like to do balle, I love balle, I'll wear my red pop socks  and my white leggings." He answered in a girly voice as if he was trying to imitate my voice. How dare him?, I wondered what was going on, I mean who wears a leggings on a pop socks unless he is sick and this guy doesn't look sick to me at all.

   Chubuikem tapped the student playfully on his shoulder and continued laughing while walking away from the scene , I had no choice but to follow him because I needed an explanation.

     He looked at me and smiled before answering  my questions "You know, you just reminded me of me when I was in JSS 1. I was so naiive and  expectant. To be honest, I've missed Christmas Carols so much , that I didn't even remember that there was a thing like that until you said it. Look things here are far different from those in the private Schools, here we just hang in there and hope that time flies really swiftly so we can leave this place. Most times, it's the friends you have that keeps you going. You should be asking when you would get your first term report card, you'll see your performance for first term, during the open day  for second  term, that's if it doesn't delay." I opened my eyes wide in shock when he uttered that last statement. Wow! This is interesting. Now here is the annoying part of it all, when I told my parents all these, my mum said "well, you would still,go because,you aren't doing nothing at home, you can stay in the Library in school." And as usual,my dad agreed with her. I was so upset when they said this , I started wondering if they truly loved me.

   Now,I'm sitting in my chair and resting my head on my desk while enduring the heat and noise in the Class room. I can't go to the library because it's locked.  I have no choice but to stuff my head in my School bag, once in a while , to reduce the noise coming into my tiny ear drums. It was that bad, no culture,no manners, this is the   first place that I've seen students eating and dumping refuse on the floor, I wasn't brought up like that, I was trained to  put it in a waste bin or in my pocket or desk then trash it when I can. If I eat and dump it on the floor, I'll fell like, I had just dropped something that is a part of me on the floor. This feeling makes me really uncomfortable.

Like, really uncomfortable.

    Finally, I know  a teacher is about to walk  into the classroom, because I can see students running into the class room from the corridor, they did this whenever they see a teacher coming with a cane while they are outside their class room"chilling". I was surprised this time because Cynthia actually joined them even after I told her not to. I honestly don't know what to do to this girl ' I'll just mind my business ' I thought to my self.

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