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   There are some terrible things that could happen one sometimes that wouldn't bring theirs out of the eyes but the heart. The pain and shock would cause a certain kind of numbness to your emotions and make you look emotionless or abnormal because you are supposed to react in a certain way.
  So it was for me. One Bright afternoon when I went to the Library with Joash as usual. Him and I became really close from becoming sit mates at the back. Joash is a very dramatic boy. Short and  light in complexion,he looks very handsome but acts very playful and unserious. I like him because he makes me laugh. He is just too funny and popular almost every body in the Class knows him.
  So that afternoon, we were in the library as usual reading and writing. I tried my best to feel comfortable in the Senior School library even though it wasn't very conducive. I was in the Library with my new text books. The new textbooks that One of my Uncle's gave to me. These text books were standard textbooks that we don't use on Osa School. I made up my mind to study these books on my own. I was doing so regularly. I made a timetable for myself but I struggled to follow the timetable.
  This day, I was to study mathematics on my own so, I brought my CAMBRIDGE IGCSE mathematics text book to School. Out if nativity, I took it with me to the library. That was a very big and deadly mistake to make because the textbook had it's first page ripped off. This was because, the names of the former user was written on it. This was also a terrible mistake because there was one of that book in the library and I was fully aware of it. The book was always not available because it was the only one in the Library and a lot of people used it. So, I brought mine into the library.
    While I was there with Joash, studying and solving questions. A student walked into the Library and informed Joash that the Economics teacher Mr. Babalola was in the class for the very first time.
"Hnm.. you are lying." Joash said to Raphael.
"Okay oo.. if you like stay, if you like come." He said before leaving.
"That Raphael can lie.." Joash commented when Raphael left the Library.
"What if it's true?" I asked him.
"Is not true that boy is a liar."
"Hnmm.. well, there is no harm in checking, key me go and check." I left the library and went to the class room.
To my surprise there was a teacher there. The well known and Prestigious Mr. Babalola was there in the classroom teaching with all his strength and might like a lecturer.
  I ran to the library to Call Joash. I didn't want to go in so, I called his name from outside because he was sitting close to the door with my textbook in his hand.
  He ran out with the textbook the moment I told him Raphael was saying the truth .
"Hey come back here!" That was Mrs. Akindele the English teacher and the Librarian.
He went in and I waited outside for him only for him to come out without the textbook on his hands.
"Winner, they are calling you."
"Huh? Who?"
"Mrs. Akindele."
"Okay." I went into the library knowing fully well that she called me because of the textbook.
When I got in and greeted her, she completely ignored me. She was staring at the book like it fell form the sky.
He first question was"what is your name?"
"My name is Winner -" I paused when I realized my mistake and then corrected myself.
"My name is Obinna Winner Ogechi."
"What class are you in?" She asked strike looking at the textbook.
"I am in SSS 1 B2." I answered like a robot.
"Where did you get that book from?" She asked finally making eye contact with me.

"Um.. I got it from my house ma."
"You must be stupid!" She shouted.
"Shut your mouth up! Do you think I'm stupid? So all these while you've been coming to the library is to steal. You have been the one stealing all the books we've been looking for in the library. Is that right?
"No ma. I didn't steal."
"Then explain why the book doesn't have a front cover. You removed it because the School stamp is there right... You.. you.. you.. think I am foolish like your mother."
I didn't react to this because I was already used to teachers insulting my parents. I mean, this is Osa School.
She ranted and threatened and shouted to the point that I was confused. I began to wonder if I actually stole the book. What if I did? Did I?
The library prefect came and added more trouble for me. She told Mrs. Akindele that I might have kept the front page in the dust bin. So, I was asked to search the dust bin for it. I checked even though I knew that I kept nothing there.
  Finally the Mr. Sanni walked into the library because he had been summoned by Mrs. Akindele. When I looked around, I didn't see Joash anywhere so I knew that he had left me. He would probably be in the class he doesn't want to get involved because he isn't sure that I'm telling the truth.
  "What's going on here?" Mr. Sanni asked calmly while looking from Mrs. Akindele to me.
"Welcome sir." She started."E wo(look) this girl has been the one stealing books from the library." She pointed at me like a criminal."
I didn't say a thing because I've learnt over the years from my experiences in Osa School not to interrupt teachers whenever they talk.
When she was done the principal asked me. "What do you have to say for yourself."
I was about to speak when Mrs. Akindele banged her table very hard and said"she is a liar.. don't listen to her, she has to be expelled Osa does not tolerate stealing. You would never be allowed into the library again. You would not be able to get admission to any government School again! " She was very angry. I could see from where I was standing, a thin line of smoke puffing out of her right ear. Or was it my eyes? I didn't cry or flinch at all. I only lost my voice out of shock and pain.
  I managed to explain myself to the principal when he moved me to a corner in the library to avoid interruptions from Mrs. Akindele. He then asked me to go back to my class and by that time, Mr. Babalola had already left the class room.
  "Ah! Winner.. sorry, Mr. Babalola gave us 10 marks each for attendance. I wanted to write your name but he counted us. Sorry." That was Joash apologizing to me.
"It's okay." I answered quietly even though I knew deep down within me that it wasn't okay.
  I laid my head on the table and wondered how I would present an expulsion letter to my parents. "Oh! God! Please help me." I whispered under my breath. The noisy class became quite all of a Sudden.
  "Hello.. please who is Obinna Winner. " I heard a female voice asked. I stood up immediately I heard my name and walked up to the person talking. It was the library prefect.
  "Hnmm.. Obinna Winner." Mr. Sanni started . Mrs. Akindele ignored us totally.
"There was ten of this book in this Library before but now, we have only one. That was what caused her reaction earlier." He was referring to Mrs. Akindele.
"Okay sir." I responded quietly.
"Well, I know I know you didn't steal it."
"Sir?" I asked in shock.
"Well, I went to ask your Junior School Principal and she said you would never do such a thing."
What? My head was about to explode in shock. Did he say he asked Mrs. Akinkunmi's and she said I wouldn't do such? Mrs. Akinkunmi of all people.
"So, I'll let you go. But please next time, don't bring it to the library."
"Thank you sir." I said as I took the book from him and  left the library with a smile plastered on my face.
  It was amazing how a statement from Mr. Sanni could end the drama that lasted for more than two hours.
  "I have my book back!" I told Joash excitedly after regaining my voice.
  For two weeks, I didn't go to the library because I was avoiding Mrs. Akindele.

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