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    The long holiday was very boring for me because all I had to do was watch over my siblings while my parents go out to work.

   I so much disliked watching over them because, I have to watch their childish TV series with them failure to do so, would result to my mum scolding me when she is back from work.

     I kept praying and hoping that my mother wouldn't convince my Dad to leave me in Osa School after our conversation the last week of Third term.

  I was still praying against remaining in Osa School when my mum decided to convince I and my Dad indirectly while we were having dinner one night.

"hmm... this is serious." She Started. When nobody responded, she decided to try again.

"Wow.. this government people ehn.." Still no response.

"To be honest, getting admission in government School is hard."

"Ah.. is it now you are realizing that? do you know how much I spent for Winner?"

"I know , but our own is better, hnmm.. do you know how much Rebecca's mum has spent? "

" How much? "

" Hnmm... my husband, that woman has spent almost fifty thousand naira for Rebecca's admission but still she hasn't gotten it. "

" what?! "

" Yes o... it's surprising right? she said the first time she got the admission but there was something wrong with the name.. they changed her surname by mistake and replaced it with someone else's surname. "

" Ah.. wow.. that's serious. "

" As in.. it's so painful that girl has been out of primary School for more than a year. ThanK God her mother was able to keep her in a small private School while they were waiting .They didn't change the name through out last season. they added her name to the next set-"

" Wait ,hold on,that means she would be in JSS 2 when she resumes ? "

" No! that's the painful thing she has to start from JSS 1 again! "

" But she already did that class in a private School-"

" No.. government Schools don't accept that, they said she has to stay from the beginning even after the mother summited her excellent JSS 1 result. "

" That's nonsense.. they know that they even teach better in the private Schools than they do in the government Schools . They are just evil! I'm sure they were doing absolutely nothing in their office. all they had to so was it just change this girls surname, correct the mistake that they made.. but.. ah! may God help our

Country. " My Dad remarked sadly.

   " What I'm saying is this, it's very hard for some people to get admissions to government Schools so,when you get it,it's better to stay,than to leave. " My mother added cunningly.

" Meaning? " I asked irritatedly.

" Ah ahn .. Winner? are you okay? can't you see that I'm taking to your father? don't you know that you are not supposed to talk while eating? respect your self. "

I kept quiet immediately after this warning from my angry mother.

"it's okay." My dad said to calm her down.

" See, I'll advice you to let Winner remain in her School for now until things change. " My mum turned to the direction of my Dad who was now chewing the bone from the meat he had just finished a while ago. I honestly don't know why people he's fond of this habit.

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