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  Two months has passed since Mary promised that Prisca would change.

Well, she hasn't  even changed  one small bit and it's almost time for exams , we need to focus but we can't , not when we have a friend like Prisca pestering us, someone who reads and chews so loudly that one would think it's a talent.

   She didn't change one bit and I'm not so sure I can take it anymore the only person who changed to me was Chibuikem. I noticed he hadn't been with the boys drinking under the mango tree at the back of the School. I also noticed that he hasn't been hanging around Asake.

   "Mary, I think we should get rid of Prisca-"

"You are right, I'm already tired of her."

"oh! really? I thought I was the only one." I responded sarcastically.

" But I'm afraid it would hurt her-"

"It would only hurt it won't kill her, or would you rather have a friend that's rough and lousy when you are not?"

"No. but-"

"Look, Mary , it's either she  leaves , or I leave."

"Okay, fine, I'll talk to her."

"Please talk to her. I honestly don't understand her at all, for the past two months I haven't been eating nor reading well. She finishes her food like a pig and then take yours from you. When you want to read she won't let you."

"I know-"

"I honestly can't tolerate all that kind of rubbish."

    We were in the Library as usual and beautifully for us, there was a teacher in Prisca's Class so she couldn't come with us. So we came up with an idea to get rid of her. We are not being bad. It's for our own good and plus, Prisca has a lot of friends so, she would be alright  hopefully.

    I was wrong when I thought Mary would be alright if we stop being friends with her. We went to her class room that afternoon and asked her to follow us out of her class so that we could take a walk to the food vendor. This wasn't allowed but we had to take the risk. She agreed as usual and even asked us to get her something to eat and that she wasn't hungry "I don't mind eating your food". she said casually like it was a normal thing to eat someone else's food. Well,she wouldn't get anything from me because I have learnt from Mary,due to the kind of friend we have ,to always eat my lunch before break period. So, when Prisca comes during break,she finds out plates empty and she does absolutely nothing but to regret why she didn't come to our classes earlier. She eats so much but she never shares even if she does,Mary and I wouldn't take it . We weren't brought up to eat other people's food especially when we have ours. It's what the Yorubas call "Oju-Kokoro " which simply means GREED or DISCONTENTMENT .

     Irritated, Mary spoke to her first "Prisca, why do you like begging?"

"Me? I'm not begging. whoever eats alone would die alone that's why I like sharing with people."

" Well-" I started but Mary gave a signal for me to stop.

" Prisca, you and I , in fact the three of us here knows that this whole rule applies to only when someone is eating or holding something you like, but not when you are doing the same-"

"Ah! what do you mean? are you trying to say that I'm stingy?"Prisca stopped and demanded harshly. When she gets upset, she looks fatter than she is to me which really amuses me.

" Do you need a prophet to tell you that?"I asked .

" Winner-" Prisca looked at me surprised.

" Look, I'll be very sincere with you, You are not stingy. " I said. She heaved a sigh of relief but my next statement took her off balance . she almost fell when I said

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