CHAPTER THIRTY EIGHT; Lecture or Torture?

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It's been over a month since I resumed in JSS 3.Never have I experienced such cruelty in my life as I did today .
I was in my class eating that morning, when Mrs. Akinkunmi walked in and accused us of being disrespectful and rebellious.
"It seems like we haven't taught you guys a lesson since you came to this class. No wonder... They have been very rebellious and and disrespectful to teachers, Now! All of you.. fall out." She commanded fiercely.
When we got out, we noisily stood by the corridor. No one went down to the field because it was flooded. We were still arranging ourselves when she came out of the classes room and asked a very amusing question.
"Why are you guys standing here?"
Nobody responded and this infuriated her more.
"Enter the water !" She said curtly as she nods her head at the water.
"Ahhh!" We all screamed in terror and Shock
" Yes, go now... Into the water. " When she realized that we weren't complying, she called two male teachers to flog us into the water.
I was among the first set of people to enter the water, I waded in it until I got to the back, I did this because , I assumed that if we were to be flogged, I'll be among the last set and it wouldn't be very painful because the teacher would already be tired by then.
We were standing in the water complaining, the water was hot because of the sun and plus, the sun was also hot on us. The water passed my ankle a bit.
"You haven't seen anything yet! Now, boys lie down and girls, kneel down! "
" Ahhh! " We shouted again in terror and Shock.
What is wrong with this woman? I mean doesn't she know that this water is dirty, and can cause us to have some infections? I wondered in shock.
I shivered as I felt the warm water on my knees and lap. It almost got to my underwear.
When the girls were done kneeling and the boys lying in the water, she made her next move. She asked the teachers to call us out one after the other and flog us.
When it got to my turn, I didn't flinch.
I stood there like a man and received the seven strokes of cane. I immediately went back to my line and continued with my punishment. We all did.
We were still kneeling down when Mrs. Ibitoroko came and shouted at the top of her voice "they are not the ones, this is JSS 3B they didn't do it! It is JSS 3C.... Please send them in.. this sun is too hot. " Mrs. Ibitoroko lamented.
" Ahhh! "Everybody shouted in anger.
Mrs. Akinkunmi completely ignored her and continued with us.
"You didn't do it but, I know you guys are witches and wizards so, I'm very aware that you would do the same too, if you were in their shoes."
"Do what ma?" Someone shouted out of anger at the back.
" Who is that? " Mrs. Akinkunmi asked.
" Show yourself now! "
Lisa stood up frowning and said" ma I'm the one, you didn't tell us what we did, you just called us here to punish us."
" You are very stupid.. see how fat you are, like a pig! Are you the only one here? My friend go down on your knees."
Lisa went down on her knees again and Mrs. Akinkunmi called on Mrs. Ibitoroko to explain what happened to us.
" I'm so sorry for this.. my children... Look I was walking to my office when I almost fell down, instead of those in JSS 3C to say sorry to me they were laughing. "
" Aaahhhhhhhhh!" We shouted again in unison. The place became noisy immediately and everyone started complaining bitterly.
" It's okay.. go to your class. "Mrs. Akinkunmi commanded curtly.We stood up and went to our classes. We didn't demand for an apology because we knew we wouldn't get one.
We were still recovering from the punishment when our beloved teacher came in and as usual, laughed and insulted us more.
"Okay, I am supposed to teach you guys but it seems You've already been lectured by your Principal. She said callously.
What! Lecture or Torture???!!!

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