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    We got a new math's Teacher. His name is Mr. Silas  . We were told that he is a youth cooper and he came to serve.
  He was a really good mathematics teacher.
  Mr. Silas was average in height and a bit plumpy in size. He also had a big nose and tiny eyes.Hw was very friendly and like Mr. Azeez in JSS 3,He made me love mathematics again.
The very first day that I resumed he came to my class and taught us mathematics. He was amazed when I answered most of his questions and asked him even more questions.
  While he was teaching, A student walked into the class room and offered him a can of malt. He took it for her and asked me to hold it. I kept it on my table.
  After the Class, he gave the malt to me and because I have a sit maye like Joash I couldn't take it home to my mother , he opened it and drank out of it without asking me for permission first . This really annoyed me but I decided to keep quiet. I mean after all there is love in sharing. At the end of the day, Joash ended up drinking more than me.
  When I resumed I found out that Mrs. Akindele the dramatic English teacher and Librarian was gone we had a new and young English teacher she goes by the name Mrs. Abiola.
   Mrs. Abiola is very calm and stylish. She dresses in neat and elegant dresses and wedged high heels shoes.
  One thing I like about her style is her hair. Her hair styles are very lovely. Mrs. Abiola looks like she is in her late twenties but she would most likely be in her early thirties.
    Mr. Silas stayed with us for the whole of first term. I wasn't happy when I got to School on the Second day of the Second term resumption and heard the sad news that Mr. Silas was done with his service.
  We went back to our old way of doing things. Our former mathematics teacher came back and like before, the students in front had to go to the back to avoid the showers of blessings from his mouth.
This time, I was one of them but I couldn't secure a sit at the back. It was already full before we got there. I had to go back to my front sit and endure. His class was torture. We kept groaning and grumbling at every move he made.
  Mr. Silas came to School one morning, not to teach but to say good bye. The SSS 3 students made something really nice for him . They also held a mini send off party for him.
  "Mr. Silas! Why are you leaving?" I asked when I saw him. His response was " Winner, I have to go. I can't stay. I only came to serve as a Youth corper. "
  I felt terrible when I saw other students giving him gift boxes , so, I promised to give him one if get the chance too.
" Oh! Winner, you want to give me a gift? Okay.. I'll be here next week Tuesday. "
I was excited about that and like a silly child , I believed him.
   The next Tuesday, he wasn't around. He was gone. He never came back he just deceived me. So I thought.


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