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  "Honesty is the best policy!" Mr. Babalola shouted at the top of his voice on the assembly ground and I wondered in disbelief at the hypocrisy among leaders . It's contrasting to see teachers who are meant to lead and direct students on the right part of life being hypocritical. The say one thing and then do the other.
    I learnt that Honesty isn't the best policy the hard way. I learnt that even Adults lie too the hard way. I never knew that Adults could tell lies until I met the School inspectors one on one as the head girl.
   I was in my class during break when a Female student came to the door post of my class and shouted "Head boy and head girl they are calling you."
"Obinna, Dem dey call you(you are called)" Joash repeated what she said and this irritated me.
" Thank you I have ears. " I said as I rolled my eyes at him.
" Hnm.. na you know... Na you sabi"Joash hissed at me.
   I went to the head boy and we both Walked up to the girl and followed her downstairs to the biology lab.
Inside the lab, sat two men and one woman on low cut. From the moment I set my eyes on them,I knew that they were inspectors from the government.
The woman was fat as usual, it's very rare to see female government workers especially the invigilator or inspectors that are slim or fit. Nine out of ten of them are always fat.
   Moses the head boy greeted them Timidly. The head boy was tall but very shy and timid. I greeted the three of them boldly while staring at their faces with a smile.
"Wow.. are you the head girl ?" One of the men asked .
"Yes sir." I responded while pointing at the badge on my uniform.
"Wow.. you are very beautiful." He commented and they  looked at each other and nodded in agreement with a smile.
" I hope you didn't bleach your skin." The woman said.
"No ma. I'm naturally faire." I replied quickly.
"Good. Because bleaching is not allowed here. It's not good." The man who called me beautiful added.

" Good, so, head boy and head girl. What are your names please? "The woman asked. We both introduced our selves and I beckoned on them to do the same but they didn't. Maybe they didn't see us as anything to introduce themselves to.
"So, please we don't have much time here, we have many more important places to be in. " That's how they always start by their face statement you shall know them. The first thing they do is to degrade you or your School before talking.

"So, Winner, tell us. Is there any teacher in this School that's having Sexual relationship with the students?" The woman asked without batting an eye.
"What?" I asked in shock as Moses and I shared a look of surprise.
" No ma."
"What is that? Why are you surprised? Please stop pretending, we are not babies. Tell us now. Start mentioning their names." She demanded sternly.
  I stared at her awkwardly like a dummy.
" Can't you talk? " One of the men asked.
" Look around you, there are no teachers here. You can trust us. "The second man persuaded.
" No sir. " Moses answered timidly with his hand on his head which made it look like we were lying or hiding something.
The woman ignored Moses and gave me her full attention. She squinted her eyes at me as if doing that would squeeze the assumed Truth out of me.
" To be honest ma. I'm so speechless right now... I mean.. what , what should say? I honestly don't know about that. I've never heard of that before. "I finally answered. The moment the answer came out of me, I remembered when Jennifer, an Ex-student told me that she was invited on a date by Mr. Babalola when we were in the Junior School . I immediately felt like a liar. I felt guilty. Wait a minute, she asked for Sexual relationship not dates and besides according to Jennifer, she turned his offer down. She refused to go out with him.
  "So, what are you saying? Are you saying that what we've been hearing isn't true?" The woman asked.
"Ma? I'm so sorry hearing from where?"
"We've been hearing rumors of that. Aren't they true?"
"No ma."
"Please let the head boy speak. You have been talking since."
"Em.. ma, the thing is.... Those kind of things don't happen here."Moses finally spoke up.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes ma."

They all wrote something's down on their big books. Maybe it's a report.
"So, is there anything in this School that you don't like? Is there anything that you would like to change?" One of the men asked.
  To be honest, I've waited my whole life in Osa School to be asked a question like that. I've practiced and written down my answers to that  question. I was so shocked . It felt like I was dreaming
I had to pinch my self on the lap to be sure it wasn't.
  The man asked again "head girl, Winner, is there something in this School that you want to change?"
  The answer to this question even though I was asked in my sleep was so simple" Yes sir! Please I'll like the diabolic law of girls cutting their hair to learn in Osa community Secondary School to stop now! " But guess what, I couldn't bring myself to give such an answer. At that point, it felt like asking for something impossible. In the minds of most people, that law was born with out nation, our state and therefore, cannot stop.
  I've heard stories of past head girls who were asked the same question, for  some, the question was straight forward "Do you want the girls to start keeping their hair?" And their answers were no.
  When I heard , I judged them. Now, I'm in their shoes and I feel so guilty.
  Is this what it feels like to be a Leader? I wondered in pain as I stared at back at the man who was expecting an answer from me.
  I felt so pressured even though I wasn't threatened by any one. I felt so scared and awkward. I just wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out.
  I heaved a sigh of regret and answered "No Sir... E... Everything is fine. Thank.. you."
"Okay." He answered without empahsising on it.
"Now, mention the names of Teachers, who haven't been teaching regularly or coming to class regularly."The woman asked calmly.
"No excuses. Please head girl keep quiet. It seems you don't like to say the truth. Head boy speak up."
" No one ma. All our teachers are trying." Moses answered calmly.
" Do you think I'm a fool? I'll call someone else now and you guys would be in serious trouble. You better start telling me their names now. "
  " Ma, " I started defeatedly. I was putting my academics on the line. I knew that if things come out wrongly, I'll be expelled. I also knew that if I said nothing, I'll still be punished.
" Yes, "
"Well, there is one." I lied. They were more than one. Their names came to my mind all at once. The only one I knew that if I called his name, He won't be punished because of his Reputation and Connection is Mr. Babalola.
"Which subject?" The woman asked while jotting something down on her note book.
"It's Economics ma. He hasn't been to our class since we were in SSS 2. The reason is because, he is the only one teaching Nine classes. He can't cope, I think the government should employ more teachers. " She wanted off my advice and asked for more names. The head boy didn't give her. Neither did I. I thought of our Civic teacher but I had a little pity for him because he looked like someone that needed help financial. I didn't want him to loose his job. I knew that Mr. Babalola wouldn't loose his.
   "So, who is your Economic Teacher?" She asked finally.
" His name is Mr. Babalola."
"Oh!...." They looked at each other and hissed. I looked at the book she was writing in and I saw her cancel something she has written down with her pen.
  From the way they acted, it seems like Mr. Babalola was a regular and untouchable Teacher when it came to cases like this.
  "Alright, you can go." The woman asked us to leave and we did. Just when we were walking out of the biology lab, We saw Mr. Babalola walking into the Biology lab at the same time with a cunning smile. We met each other and on the way and we both greeted him respectfully . He ignored us as he held three bottles of Alcohol in his arms. When we got out, I looked back and to my surprise, I saw the trio lifting up their hands and hailing Mr. Babalola like happy children when they get fruit juice from their parents but in this case, it was Alcohol. It was right there that I knew that I was in trouble.
  " Emm. Em.. em.. see.... Winner, you should have not called Mr. Babalola's name. He knows them." Moses commented fearful.
"Moses , relax, I'm the one that said his name. Don't worry. Look, I couldn't mention any other name because you know Mr. Babalola is influential. Nothing would happen to him-"
"I know.. it's us.. that... That.. something would happen to." Moses stammered fearfully. I robbed his back to calm him down even though deep down within me , I was really scared.

   Sure enough, Mr. Babalola called us into the staff room and asked what we said . I did the talking. I told him everything I said. The good , the bad and the suggestion.
He only laughed and called my name trice. I saw how red his eyes were . I wondered if it was from the Alcohol or the pain of being reported by us.
  When I got to my class, I felt so insecure. I knew I needed help. I needed backup. So, I went straight to the Principals office to report myself.
His response was "Well, you did nothing wrong. Nothing would happen to you. You are not writing Economics in your WAEC."
  The principals words calmed me down.
I didn't stay for the Extra lesson after closing. I went home alone. I didn't say a word to anyone about our meeting with the inspectors but sure enough, they would find out soon.

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