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"You will what!?..."

"You heard me-"

"You would do no such thing Chibuikem!"

"Try me and see, and you'll be saying all these nonsense from your grave!"

" Ah! " I sobbed uncontrollably. I am so unhappy and helpless about his situation.

"Would you stop crying before I break your head?!" He demanded sharply.

I had to control myself. I'm so glad that Rebecca is here with me. If not only God knows what I would have done.

  "Look, Winner.... Life is not a joke, it's not like the ice cream you can't live a whole week through School without taking. It's not for BABIES ! "

" what do you mean by -"

" Shut up! let me finish. "

" O.. oh! okay. "

" Good. I've been through a lot . So much that sometimes, I wonder how I was able to pass through those things and still be alive. Osa School is not for the physically weak neither is it for the  weak minded... the soft minded... I was one of them. I was once like you. So innocent and naiive. But life taught me a lesson. A serious one. Osa show me peepperr! "

" But Chibuikem that doesn't mean you have to be like this -"

" Winner! I'm doing this for your own good and not just you! for the love of my life ! "

" Who? Asake?"

" You already know. You don't have to ask"

" Ah! Asake of all the girls in this world. "

" To be honest, I love her like my life. She means so much to me. I can't just let her go. I'm not weak. I can't be weak! "

" Okay..... I think you should tell the police-"

" Ah ahn... Winner, he can't report something like this to the police na. " Rebecca whispered beside me."

"Ah! Winner now , I know you don't have sense. Omo na common sense you no get like this so?? " He asked in disgust.

" Do you know how many Police Stations Owodé has been to? "

" Who is Owodé? "

" You don't know him? wow! "

" No. "

" Now, I see why you've been active so stupid? "

" Me? "

" No, my ancestors. "

" Okay. " I said sadly.

" Look, you know what, just leave. Get out. "Me?"

"Yes. I don't want these guys to know we are related." He turned his head towards the direction of the boys who were drinking sachet gin by the mango tree. One of them was now running towards us, probability to beg Chibuikem's for his.

"Go, go , go... are you deaf?" He hurried us to leave before the boy came.


  I was still crying when Rebecca came to my class after closing.

"Winner.. you can't continue like this now. this is not a death and life matter -"

"It is! " I exclaimed loudly before closing my mouth with my right hand.

"Um.. You know my former best friend Mary? "

" Hnmm.. Mary .. Mary.. Oh yes! the girl that you said goes to your Church? "

" Exactly! "

" Was she a cultist too? "

" No. she wasn't but her Eldest Brother was. "

" Eh ehn.. you see, he was , so, that means  he repented. He changed. Your cousin can also come back to his sense too-"

" That's not the point!" I yelled at her like she's the embodiment of cultism or the founder of it.

" Rebecca! the only place Mary's elder brother got the chance to repent was in the GRAVE ! "

"Ah! "

" He died! Rebecca he did.. he died... he died!" I continued with my sobbing.

  " It's okay. You don't have to cry. It's not your fault. " I turned as I heard a different but familiar voice.

" You again? Asake. "

" Yes me. "

"What are you-"

" There are a lot of things you don't know about your Cousin.. I need to tell you. "

" Chibuikem is a cultist! "

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