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   I couldn't help the tears, I couldn't hold it anymore, so it's true after all, so my Cousin is a cultist.

    "Chi-" I was about to shout his name again when Mary covered my mouth with her two hands. " what is wrong with you? don't you know that he would hear us?"

I pushed her hands off me answered" yes, that's exactly what I want, I want him to hear me! "

" No that would get us into trouble with them.. please... Winner if you want to die.. do it alone.. I am too young to Die! " She walked away from me, leaving me alone, standing there like a log of wood.

   I stood there watching the boy I call my cousin, sitting down with a group of dirty and rough looking boys, drinking. The boys were drinking but he wasn't, He was just there looking very neat and quiet, like he wasn't happy to be there, was he forced to?

  can't he leave?

   The wind blew on me , lifting my pinafore up gracefully, calming down my nerves as I  remember the words of my father to me" Winner, just because you are in a family doesn't not mean everybody would have the same opinion, we are all different even though we are one."

    I heaved a sigh of pain, shook my head and walked away from the back of the School, thank God He didn't see me, I honestly didn't know where I'll be, I really don't know what he's capable of any more because of his threat to me earlier on-during break.

   " why did you come back?" I turned to the direction of the sound only to see Mary staring at me from the School corridor sadly.

  " what are you doing here?" I hissed at her.  " I though you left me there? so?? why did you come back, please leave me alone -"

" I came back because you were being foolish. "

" Mary, don't upset me now, leave me alone, we are not friends aga-"

" Are you fighting me because of your Useless Cousin? "

" He is not useless -"

" then why is he a cultist? "

" I.. I .. I don't know-"

" You see, My elder brother in the Village was once a cultist... "

" Really? he was? so ... so, how did he leave the group? " I drew closer to her hoping to get an antidote from her that would cure my Cousin's illness.

" He DIED.. He didn't leave.. he died like a goat... he was killed during one of their fights." Those words hit me like a tornado, He died, does that mean that, oh no!

"Um... sorry for your loss... sorry for bringing him up."

"It's fine, It's not your fault.... I just hope that your Cousin wouldn't end up like my brother -"

"GOD FORBID!!"I shouted , as if I could stop it from happening just by rebuking it.

" It's ok, lets go to the School fellowship, that have already started , we are very late.... I was waiting for you, I would have gone since."

" I can't go.. My cousin said-"

" Really?? your Cousin? " Her word's made me realize my mistake of trusting one person, My Cousin. He warned me never to enter the School fellowship. Why? maybe because He doesn't want to see me running his operations.

    We got to the School fellowship and beautifully, they were gathered in my classroom. I walked in quietly with Mary holding my hand and leading me like I was blind. We got to an empty sit at the middle and sat down. I protested that we go to my actual sit because it is empty at the moment. We walked carefully, climbing the tables and chairs, careful not to distract the members and finally, we got to my sit and instead of sitting, we stood because the members were now standing and singing slowly -worship song.

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