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  I didn't give an answer to Cynthia's rheoterical question. I knew she was mocking me indirectly.

  I went straight to my sit, dramatically brought out my small napkin and cleaned my former table and chair.

  I was about to sit down when Cynthia shouted from where she was standing"Winner! do you want to remain in JSS 1 forever? stand up, we are waiting for our results to be delivered and the repeaters name to be pasted on the wall downstairs. So far it's only JSS 2 and 3 that's there -"

"Okay ma, I've heard you". I said interrupting her shouting. I joined them outside. I stood at the corridor relentlessly for no reason until Mr. Lekan the teacher who always conducted the Muslim assembly walked out of the admins office where we were standing and waiting since we all came with a tooth pick in his mouth.

" Eh ehn.. what are you guys doing here? "

" Sir, we are waiting for our results. " Cynthia spoke first and the others followed.

" Ah ahn.. I'm not with your results. It with the principal. The asked you guys to come.

to School on the 8th of August, you refused. Now , you see your life? "

" Ah sir, we didn't hear anything o." I defended.

" Hey shut up your mouth are you okay? Look you guys should just be in the class

you are supposed to be in. Until further notice. " They all grumbled and left.

We walked to the JSS 2C Class that has STAFF ROOM written at the door post.

  I watch d ad they all scrambled to get into the class room first. I didn't join them I just stood by and watched them struggle in their tens to pass through the small door.

  It was when I walked into the classroom that I realized that they were struggling to get in first just so , they can pick the perfect sit. I stood in front of the class room scanning round the class to see if I would find an empty sit.

  "Um Winner.. you can come and sit with me. There is an empty sit beside me. " I turned and saw a very tall boy looking down at me.

"um...who are you please?" I asked shyly.

"My name is Jeremiah." He answers quickly.

"Oh! Okay Jeremiah I'm -"

"I know your name, every body in this class knows you,Winner."

"Commot for road jo! (Leave the road please!)" A small girl struggling with a chair shouted at us rudely.

  "Okay , Jeremiah...I'll sit with you." I said and followed him all the way to his sit. His sit was at the middle of the class and I wasn't so comfortable with it but I had to adjust to it.

  It was when the English teacher for our JSS 2 class- Mrs.Yejide walked into the class room to give us our first test that I realized the main reason why Jeremiah wanted me to sit next to him. Jeremiah copied from my test script shamelessly. he copied me to the point that he actually write down my registration number in his script.

"Jeremiah,why were you copying from me?" I asked after summiting my test script.

"Ah ahn! What do you mean? Who am I supposed to copy from? are you not my sit mate? We are supposed to help each-"

"Hey! Copying isn't's not helping when you copy someone's thought. it's not help to deliver what you don't have inside you."

"Oh,you'll be very happy if I fail right?"

"No . Well,it's not a bad thing to fail. It just means that you need to know what-"

"See winner, I didn't know you were like are very wicked.....very very fact, I don't want you to sit with me again. Winner,please after break I don't want to see you here!"

"Okay then..fine! I'll leave your sit. It's not the only sit here after all." I stood up,picked my school bag and walked out of the class room. Beautifully not everyone has resumed so,the population wasn't much and hence, there were Aisles in-between the columns. When I got out of the class room, at the corridor I saw two boys trying to fix a table with a nail. they didn't have a harmer so,they had to put in a lot of effort. I noticed they needed help so I decided to help them out before heading to the library.

  when they were done I asked "Is there space -"

"YES, can sit with us." One of them answered Eagerly.

"Okay thank you" I responded joyfully.

  I offered them help when they were taking the table into the  class room but they refused saying that they didn't want to stress me.

  my new sit was beside Jeremiah and I didn't mind at all.

I was happy and relieved that I now have a new sit.

  when Mr.Dele came with his Social studies test,My new Sit mates; Ayomide and Matthew didn't copy from my test scripts,instead they asked and when they did,I explained it all to them.

Two weeks has passed since I resumed in JSS 2 and nothing has changed.We still didn't know those who have repeated and those who haven't amongst us.

This morning, Mrs.Yejide walked into our class room and introduced herself as our class teacher. she also went ahead to promise us that our results would be seen before the end of today.

  That caused a lot of panic in the class room. I was a bit scared and when I voiced out my fears, someone said to me,

"If a whole you, Winner can be much more us .look if I see your result and you fail..I won't even check mine,I'll just go home. relaxed you have already been promoted."

  His words made me blush.

It suddenly dawned on me again that I was recognized as the smartest student last Session.

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