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   The holiday was really long and exciting for me because my mum enrolled me in a saloon as an apprentice. She said she didn't want me alone on the house, and plus, I needed to have a skill.
  I learnt a lot in the saloon. I learnt  how to braid hair with attachments and extensions. That was my mum's main objective and I was pleased to see the look of Joy on her face when she asked me to braid her hair for her and I did.
   When School resumed, I didn't. We were asked not to resume until our BECE  results comes out. I stayed at home for a whole month. We were asked to resume by our Junior School Principal even though our results weren't out we were asked to resume with our Junior School Uniforms, those who tore theirs out of silly excitements had to either but a new one, or borrow a new one.
  We resumed in the senior Secondary School as Junior School students but sine Senior School teachers still called us SSS 1 students.
  We were asked to stay in the Library. All of us, we weren't much because not all of us had resumed, the news hadn't circulated yet. I got the news from someone who lives close to my house. This is something that has to be worked on in government Schools. There has to be a faster and better way to pass information to the students and parents.
   I resumed very late, I resumed on the third week of October. I resumed sadly because my mum took me to the saloon the night before I resumed and ordered the barber to give me a very low hair cut. It was so low, that I could see my scalp clearly. I cried all night until the next day. So, when I woke up this morning, my eyes were swollen. It was so swollen that I couldn't even open my eyes completely. I begged my mum to allow me stay at home but she refused saying that I've missed School a lot and that I should pay attention to my studies. She said that like I was in a Private School.

    I joined the assembly today and it was so cool, The drama group presented a play and I made up my mind to join them once I've resumed as an SSS 1 student properly.
  After the assembly, we all got into the Library and all of a sudden, the place became noisy and stuffy. It was so bad.
Some teachers still came to teach us in that condition like the English teacher whose office is in the library, the biology teacher and the mathematics teacher. The rest gave silly excuses.

  The Senior School library is not as standard as the Junior School Library. The floor isn't tiled, the shelves are very few in number and weak. The most annoying part was that it didn't have enough books. It was mostly text books that was in the Library.



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