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   I've always wondered what Mrs. Akinkunmi wanted from me. I wondered why she became do kind to me after Chibuikem's death.
   When I discussed this with Koyejo he laughed and called me a dummy. "Um.. I think I'll report them to Mrs. Akinkunmi." I told him the last time we discussed.
"Mrs.... Ehn? Ah! Don't try it oo!" He warned immediately.
"No? She has been really nice to me since you know... My cousin." I defended Mrs. Akinkunmi.
"Ah! You are so... Innocent! See, this is Osa , School.. this is Lagos.... This is Nigeria.. na naija we de... Nothing goes for nothing... Unless that person is your relative... Even your Uncle and Aunty sef.. they would not help you for nothing..see what is happening to Asake now.... Unless that person is your mother or your father, don't trust anybody! "
" Wow! Hnmm.. but what happened to Asake? "
" Ah that one? She .. she... She is with her Uncle. "
" When did she start living with her Uncle? "
" Ah! Oyinbo... So you don't know that they brought Asake from the village because she is very intelligent. Hnm.. ah! Her Uncle said that he'll put her in a good private School -"
" Ah.. ahn.. and she is in Osa School.. "
" Hnmm that's not all o! Had it been he kept her here and take care.. you know, of her it would have been far better! but no! This man... He has turned that fine girl to a house help.. her aunty does not even give her food. Only she would take care of three babies! "
" Wow! That's painful. "
" Yes na.. sometimes the Uncle use to pick her from the bus stop to take her home, of he is coming back from work, he has one fine car.. ah ahn.. Chibuikem has seen him-"
" Oh! That's true, I've seen them enter, oh... One time I was at the bus stop with Mary when  I saw them entering one black car. that's true. "
" So.. be careful. " He finally ended his speech. To be honest, I'm still in awe of Koyejo's talking skill, he talks without taking a break.
    This morning, I stopped wondering why Mrs. Akinkunmi has been so nice to me when she called me from the assembly ground to carry her bag and shoes to her office. She had three bags all to herself and they were incredibly heavy, I had to beckon on the prefect standing by to assist me. He assisted me after insulting my whole ancestors and swearing over his unborn child. These prefects can be really dramatic. I thought even though I'm one of them. I still can't do what they do. I don't know how to flog a fellow student. I don't just know how to threaten and bully a young child all in the name of pleasing a teacher who doesn't care whether or not you live or die!
  When I dropped her "bags" in her  office, I was about leaving when she stopped me at the door of her office and asked"where are you going to? It's like you are growing wings right?"
  My response was"um.. no ma.. I'm going downstairs for the assembly."
  She walked past me and entered into her office . "Open that black bag you'll see a small white nylon there bring it out . " She ordered, ignoring my statement.
" Okay ma. " I said as I opened the black bag and brought out the small white nylon that she ordered me to bring out.
  I brought it out and held it out to her. She looked at me like I was mad and I knew that I was not supposed to do that.
I quietly kept it on her table and was about to leave when her next statement shocked me to the bone"are you mad? It's like you want to join your cousin right?"
  I quickly looked at the door that was opened, I thought of running out of her office immediately but she smiled and said "see you face, I'm just joking.. it seems you haven't gotten over his death... Well my dear.." she sat down like a pregnant woman.. grunting as she untied and retied her wrapper.
"Hnmm.. he is gone.. you can't bring him back again."
  I kept my head down I didn't look at her. I didn't know how to make eye contact with her.
  "Open the nylon." She said curtly.
I opened it and I saw two roasted fishes.
"Oya (now)..bring that bowl from that shelf and start doing the fish."
"Ma.. I... Ma... Assembly is going on o"
"Assembly is going on or you don't know how to cook? "
" Cook? " I opened my eyes widely.
" Yes.. cook! "
" Ma, please.. yes I know how to cook but.. um.. I'm in School not at home. "
" You are stupid! It seems like I've been playing with you too much! Now start doing it. "
  I did what she asked me to do and as usual, when I got home, I didn't tell my parents most especially my father because, I knew he would be heart broken. I kept it to my self.
  "I can't keep this to myself anymore" I said out loud as I sank in the water.
" This is JSS 3 you think you can be rebellious?? " Mrs. Akinkunmi shouted from her chair.
  " Welcome to hell! " I heard a senior School student shouted from the Senior School Session.


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