CHAPTER FIFTY- FIVE; Responsibility

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Like I said, I had a lot of things to do in Osa School with very little time.
One of the things I wanted to change so badly was the lack of information.
There was no means of passing information to Students in Osa School everybody did what they thought or heard someone say and often times this leads to misalignment and disorganization.
  In Osa School, Nobody knows a certain event is supposed to take place like Examinations and important stuffs like that unless a teacher tells you or someone who is close to a teacher tells you or perhaps it was announced on the assembly ground with very few people in attendance.
  Osa School didn't have a good and functional Students platform both online and onsite. The School didn't even have a bill board for announcement! Everything was just so disorganized.
  The first thing I did, with the help of a Class mate Gideon was to create a "Press Club" now in the history of Osa School they has never been a press club. I was the first person to start it.
I included the Intelligence and diligent students in the lower classes too. I wrote news and nominated one of them to cast it on the assembly ground. We created a dance group out of the Press club such that for the very first time in History, there was Dance presentations, not just one but three; Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba Cultural dance during the inter-house sport at the end of the year. The press club was "the Black House" for that sport event  as we were all wearing black.
   We donated and contributed money to get a suggestion box for the School.
The money wasn't enough so, we had to improvise and get something that the School really needs. I suggested that we make a bill board for the School. So that we can type and print out important details and informations to be pasted on it.
  I didn't get enough support from the teachers. The only teacher that supported me and my idea was Mrs. Abiola the English teacher she did it out of necessity because, according to her discussion with me she said something quiet funny and troubling "I am the one in charge of the 'Literary and Debating Society ' and the press club is part of it so that's why I'm doing this. " She said.
My response to her was, thank you so much ma for your support.
  I was in charge , but not in charge. My class mates didn't get that. They didn't understand what I was facing. I couldn't say no to the position. They took up every opportunity the got to mock me.
They didn't hesitate to laugh and make jest of me whenever I made a mistake especially when our new Government teacher Mr. Piety comes to class.

Mr. Piety was employed as our CRS teacher in SSS 2 but when we got to SSS 3, our former government Teacher was transferred because a lot of parents had been complaining to the principal and vice principal about how their boys come home hungry or thirsty because a teacher took their money from them.
    Mr. Piety suggested that instead of teaching us on CRS  when we are Christians, he'll rather teach us Government because that is the most important to us.
  Mr. Piety was a very unique teacher. He has a lot to say but too little time to do so. Hence he spends more thank half of his period with us motivating us and not teaching and when he is done with the motivation, he enlightens us a bit on gh topic he is supposed to teach and then ask us to go home and copy our notes from our textbooks!
   I was a bit disappointed in him because, from his appearance, and from his speech, one would think that he is a human right activist. Meanwhile, all he does is talk, talk and not do.
I concluded these facts about him twice.
  The first and the least painful was when he asked us to copy our notes from. The recommended government text book and I protested. To my surprise, he got upset and said that I was being rebellious and lazy.
"Sir, what I'm saying is that, I'll like to read the textbook. Know what I'm writing about, learn. And then form a note from what I have studied. It is so much better that way. We are not robots, you are supposed to make the notes for us but since you can't, why don't you let us just study and form our notes ourselves. "
  " So, you see the kind of prefects you have in this School. You see what the School isn't moving forward.. you see what.. oh! Winner.. Winner... How can a while head girl be talking like this! How can. "
  The whole class laughed and made gest of me. They didn't support me. I wasn't surprised at all in fact, I would have been surprised if they supported me.
This were students who were already used to coping notes without reading. It's amazing how the whole class , in fact, the whole School would be noisy. Only for you to walk into a class room and find all the students writing.
"How in the world is that possible?!" It can only be possible when the students write without reading or paying attention to their work. That's what students with the most updated notes in Osa School, still end up with parallel F9's in their report cards.
   Writing of notes in Osa School can also be regarded as a business. There are students who copy notes for students and get paid for doing so . My childhood friend,Rebecca did it. She made cool but small cash out of it.
   Now, I'm sure you are wondering, but why? Why are the students doing all these to update their notes.
The simple and painful answer is to get 10 or 20 marks from  the subject Teachers. For some Teacher, all you have to do is buy a recommended text book from them and you'll get 10 or 20 marks in that subject. For Mr. Babalola, attend his classes and you'll get at least 5 or 10 marks depending on his mood.
  This is very sad. This is why we have students who "passed through"  the School but the School didn't "pass through" them.

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