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  " Yes now.. you don't know?"

"Well.. I didn't... but - why?.. me? what?" I stammered as it dawned on me immediately that my former sit mates didn't like me. In fact they hated me to the point that they wanted to get rid of me and replace me with an old friend.

"but how did you know, Jeremiah I trusted-"

"That's because you are very foolish."

"Ah me?"

"Yes now... you think they like you but they don't. see let me tell you , those boys are very devilish and cunning. Thank God you left them. I was there when they were planning everything. Even Eniola know as she was there when they were hiding the table-"

" What? even Eniola too? "

" hush bring your voice down. please don't put me into trouble. "

" but-"

" Eniola is not part of them. those boys Are to childish and stupid for her to work with. She just knows and she didn't want to tell you. "

" oh.. okay then. "

" So, nobody stole your  table it was those boys you call your sit mates that planned to chase you and you fell for it. omò you be múmú ó. "

  I didn't say anything because at that point I felt like a real múmú- a dummy. I head learnt a new lesson the hard way.

  I've been sitting with Jeremiah and Kenneth for the past one week now and it just dawned on me now that Jeremiah was a repeater in JSS 1. He repeated JSS 1 and ever since, he made yo his mind not to repeat any class again. I was happy with his thought decision even though I knew that wasn't very possible in Osa School.

   I'm really enjoying my new sit mates. They get offended sometimes when I state obvious facts about their academic status which sounds rude and harsh to them, but after a while they forget about it and act like I didn't say anything at all.

They also help me out with buying snacks during break and most of the times they now protect me from Matthew, Ayomide and their new sit mate Bolu whenever they tried to disturb or bully me.

  I know deep down within me that if my sit mates were girls, my story would have been different. I've made up my mind, to only have male sit mates. I think they are cooler and very understanding, more understanding than girls.

   I was in School one morning, when Mr. Dele came into the class room and warned that parents would be coming into the School to register their children who have been admitted to JSS 1 in Osa School.

I immediately remembered that my mum informed me last night that Rebecca would be coming to Osa School today to finish her admission process and probably start in JSS 1 again. She would loose a whole year because of the irresponsibility of a stupid government worker.

   I immediately rushed downstairs to the front of Mrs. Akuna's office. I saw a lot of parents waiting patiently at  the corridor and on front of the admins office. I searched through the faces of the children that were with the parent and I didn't see my beloved friend Rebecca. I wasn't sure I'll still recognize her so I just gave up and went back to my class room.

   When it was time for break, I went out if my class room and walked backwards to where my former  class -JSS 1C was and I could see only a few students playing inside the class room. some  of them were in mofty while some were in their public primary School uniform. I didn't see Rebecca. I didn't check again for the rest of the day to avoid being disappointed again.

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