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   "Your Accessors would come tomorrow." Mr. Ade announced to us yesterday. We've been waiting for them since. We were asked to make break fast for them. So, we all contributed to make; bread, egg sauce and tea. For Them
    It was past Five in the evening that they arrived and it wasn't a they,it was a she. only one person came. A woman dressed in suit and high heels.
   We started our practical examination the moment she came while she sat at the corridor and ate the breakfast we prepared since for her. The breakfast prepared for her was meant for three people but she finished it all. Maybe she kept sine in her big bag so she can take home . I honestly thought she wouldn't eat the food.
   I got home late and it made me feel like a big girl. I felt so mature, even though I wasn't.

  April passed and May came and so did the 15th of May, 2019. The beginning of our BECE the Examination we've all been talking about. The examination of all Examinations. The Almighty BECE that Mr. Ade said would be very hard and whoever passes it can use his or her certificate to get a job.
   The very first Paper we had was "Home Economics". It wasn't hard at all. It was so simple. I was among the few people that finished first.
    We had a question sheet and an Answer sheet. The answer sheets was very small and fuller with tiny boxes. Each question had four boxes; a, b, c, and d. "When you pick an answer, you are to shade the letter where that answer is. This is a computer based test.
    I did all my examinations well, I knew I was going to get a good score. I thought to myself as I came out of the my class room a certain day. I felt so achieved u til it dawned on me that I haven't had my Yoruba and French Examination.
    To be honest, there was absolutely no reason for the teachers to Exaggerate so much about the Examination. Maybe they wanted us to sit up.
    I had a lot of issues with my sit mates because, I didn't let them copy me at all. I didn't even let them take a sneak pick on my Answer sheet no matter the threats and promises. Then during mathematics, Mrs. Arinola came to my table, took my Section B (Theory) answer scripts and gave them to my sit mates to copy. I felt really terrible about it but I kept quiet.
   The french Examination was extremely though not because we didn't have a french teacher for each class but because the questions were asked in french and I couldn't read it.
   "Good day children, I'll help you with our French Examination, so, all if you should contribute Twenty naira each." Our class teacher Mrs. Shola tried to convince us but most of us didn't agree so, she left.
   I shaded my answers in a " zig-zag" format. I enjoyed doing it even though I knew that I would fail woefully.
   I did the same for my Yoruba Examination too.
Our last paper was Agricultural science a we were to have it on the 2nd of July, 2019. This was immediately after the General School closure. I felt so good going to School after Closure.
  I felt so grown up, even though I wasn't. 'wow ! So,I'll be in SSS 1 this year' I thought to myself happily.
   My last day in Junior Secondary School was the first day I bought food from the junior School cook. I bought jolloff rice and beef. It tasted so nice. When we were done with our Papers , We had and afternoon assembly where we were warned by Mr. Ade not to go anywhere except out houses.
   I was so full of Joy. I watched in awe as  other students tore their uniforms out if Joy and excitement. I didn't join them because I know the kind of mother I have.
   I walked home alone that day. Basking in my achievements. I was hopeful that I would get at least five A's in my Result.


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