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  Mr. Babalola didn't let go. He told every teaching and non-teaching staff about what I did. I couldn't take it anymore, I needed another backup from the School staff so, I went to Library,to Mrs. Abiola's desk and told her everything that happened. She listened to me attentively and when I was done, she said"so, you can now see the kind of country that we live in, you see that corruption is everywhere especially from above. Please next time be wise. Learn to just keep quiet. Their threats are empty because, they are not the principal of the School. As for Mr. Babalola , they won't do anything to him. Nothing would happen. He would only talk but please be careful around him. "
  " Okay ma. Thank you ma. I said as I went out of her office. "

   Mr. Babalola walked up to our classes one morning and ordered all of us in my class to take our sits and merge with the next SSS 3 class. Now, by the way, the next SSS 3 class was made up of SSS 3 A which is the Science class and the SSS 3 C which is the Commercial class. So, Mr. Babalola has asked us to join them so that he can teach is at once.
   I felt scared and awkward when he came to the front of our class and nocked on our opened metal door forcefully when I was packing up to head to the next class. He looked at me and shouted "You better hurry up now! Later now you'll say I don't teach!" After saying this, he walked away and I started contemplating whether to miss his class or not when the head boy walked up to and warned "Don't miss, Mr. Babalola's class, he has a plan to deal with us if we miss it."
"Meaning? How did you know?" I asked him suspiciously because of what happened, I no longer trust anyone in the School.
"He said it when I was entering the class."
" Okay, I sighed as I carried my chair and walked lazily to the next class. "

" Your WAEC is starting next month, of you cooperate with me, you'll pass... Is that everything that happens you should say, is not every time that you should talk. Learn to protect your School, learn to protect your teachers... Is not everything you see or hear you would say. Is not everywhere you go to. That you would show that you know how to speak English. " Some students in the class laughed when he said this.
  "Yes.. it's funny but it's true.... That's what the head boy and the head girl did!"

"Whoaa!" The whole class exclaimed in shock. I was seated at the middle so, those in front looked at me like I was crazy. Someone whispered beside me and I knew it was Joash "Gee... Yay... Obinna, you don die... Your own don finish.. hnm better go de do admission for private School o... Cus I no sure se you de write WAEC here again. " What he simply meant was that I should pack my bags and leave Osa School because, I'm now dead meat for Mr. Babalola to devour.

  "The inspectors came and asked them for the names of Teachers that don't teach and they mentioned my name."
"Aaahhhhhhhhh!" The whole class exclaimed.
"Yes, I don't know maybe they thought that they would sack me, maybe they thought that the inspectors would cut off my head..... Hnmm.. me, I'm very sharp... I just bought three bottles of GOLD BERG(Alcohol) for them and they told me everything that they said.....well,it's not their fault.They are not,I have forgive them."
   I over heard Kehinde from the back release a sigh of regret then she mocked  and made gest of me.
  For the rest of the class, I zoned out I sat there starting at the big white board in front of me while remembering the day that I came to school with my hair plaited to the back. I remembered how I was treated like a criminal. I recalled how Mrs. Fadake wanted it to be posted.
"Eh.. ehn... You remember when one stupid girl in QUEEN'S COLLEGE fixed her eye lashes to School... They recorded it and posted it. I'll do the same for you... I'll post it so that your reputation would be spoiled..anywhere you go to in the future, they would call you the stupidest girl that plaited her hair to School... Nonsense." She brought her phone out and started recording. I was forced to look at the camera, I did that with tears streaming down my eyes. I felt so abused  and mistreated, no one wanted to listen to me at all.
  She was still recording when Mrs. Bolanle walked into the office and exclaimed in shock.
"Ah.. Mrs. Fadake.. please don't put us into trouble..." She looked at me and then started whispering to Mrs. Fadake.
Well, as the saying goes, not all Adults can whisper. I heard every single thing Mrs. Bolanle said to Mrs. Fadake in Yoruba. She said"look, it would spoil our reputation if you do that, not only that, this would give them an opportunity to ask why girls still cut their hair in Schools.... Don't you know that the internet is broad? It's world wide.. before you know it, you'll hear comments from other countries like.. oh.. why are girls cutting their hair to go to School. Even on this country.. it can happen.... Look at her now.. it's her natural hair.. she didn't fix weaving now.. no attachment on the hair.... If you try it... Those girls that have been fighting for their right since would stand up and before you know it, another protest has started.... Please , I don't want any other protest after the END SARS. " When she was done, Mrs. Fadake nodded in agreement and walked away. I wanted to ask her for my beret but I saw her dumping it in the waste bin so I held my peace.

  "Yes.. so indigenization is the process of..." I heard Mr. Babalola's voice brought me back to the class and I stared at him. I was in aware of his gusto. Mr. Babalola had the ability to mistreat abs do wrong openly. I looked at him from head to toe and wondered if he was also lying against the inspectors. I wasn't bothered by the fact that he assumed that we wanted him sack or killed  when our intention towards the issue was good. I was bothered by the fact that I trusted those inspectors, I saw them as angels , angels who had come to fix the School but they turned out to be devils in disguise. I thought it was so wicked and cowardly for three adults to lie against an innocent little girl like me.
  This made me loose my trust for Adults.
This is one of the signs of growth.

  When Mr. Babalola was done with his class, I stood up boldly to ask him a question and he smiled and answered even though I knew the answer. I just wanted the students and him to know that I don't care what they think about me!
   When we got back to the class, I told no one about it and amazingly, no one asked.


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