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  I stared furiously at every one in the Class room. I walked boldly to every one of the to ask if they took my table or if they saw anybody doing that.

  "Ah ahn.. why  are you asking us JAMB questions? didn't you mark your table? check for it and stop disturbing people please!" A new girl responded to me harshly. I looked at her from head to toe before it dawned on me that she is a repeater in this class and therefore, way older than me.

    I didn't go out for assembly when I heard the bell. I stayed in the classroom with some rebellious repeaters. I wasn't afraid of being punished or beaten if caught by any of the prefects or teachers.

   After searching for a long time, I sat down on my chair and gave up totally. I started strategizing on how I was going to Pounce on Cynthia when she confesses  that she's the thief.

    When I looked through the windows of my class room, I saw students running on the corridor like mad dogs. Some ran into the class room too 'why on earth are  they running? ' I thought.

'Is someone chasing them? '

     "Ah ahn.. where is our table?" I heard Mathew ask from behind me.

"To be honest, I've been asking around since."

"Are you mad !?" He asked angrily.

" No, I'm not mad. I-"

" You.. you what? we're you not supposed to look for the table? "

" I did-"

" See you mouth.. 'I did'... Why were you just sitting down when I came? "

" Because I was tired of searching-"

" Yes,tired if searching, you won't be tired when the table comes oo.. you'll place your book on it and be reading like a professor." Ayomide Chimed in mockingly.

" Eh ehn.. you see?  Can you imagine. I know you are the one that hid that table. You better find it or else... if we find that table.. I swear to God .. We would not allow you to sit down here again. " Matthew added angrily. He was now gesticulating dramatically and furiously.

  " But why? I know nothing about it-"

" See you  are just making noise, you better go and find our table. " Ayomide added irritatedly.

  " okay. " I answered almost in tears.

I kept walking around the whole class room and asking if anyone had seen our table while they sat comfortably eating like wolves from the same plate.

   Everyone I asked, asked me to describe my table and when I couldn't they called me a dummy telling me that I'm supposed to mark my table.

   I went to the back of the class this time despite all the rumors I've heard about the back benchers-the REPEATERS.

  There was a lot of space there because the repeaters were very selective when it came to choosing sit mates.

  "Yes .. what do you want?" Eniola the notorious female student asked. I felt like a celebrity was talking to me because I've heard a lot about Eniola; the number of boys she has beaten up and the number of people she has stabbed during the Friday 'cultist fights'.

  "Good morning ma." I greeted her while prostrating and the fellow repeaters looked at her surprisingly before bursting into laughter. "Ah! na wetin this one de talk? she well so? ( what is this one saying? is she sick?)" Eniola asked as she looked at me from head to toe sizing me with her tiny round eyes. I looked closely at her and noticed the discoloration on her  face. She was faire and dark at the same time. Her bare feet was leaning on the table now so I saw the darkness of her toes. It then dawned on me that Eniola was bleaching  her skin. The penalty for bleaching in Osa School is EXPULSION. 'Why has Eniola not been Expelled from School' I wondered in amazement as I stared at her.

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