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   I went to church on Sunday morning feeling very sad and regretful over the events that has taken place in the last few weeks  of my life .I wanted an answer from God. I wanted him to tell me why he would allow such wickedness in my life. I wanted to know if he still loves me.
    "Hey! Everybody Brother Bature is back!" Karsten announced to the whole class holding pack of Mentors sweet.
I was so happy to have him back because, ever since he travelled, the class had not been the same.
   He taught us the word of God and he emphasised mainly on "FORGIVENESS" I sat there listening to him and wondering if it actually makes sense to forgive the one who keeps torturing you. Is it fair? I asked God in my mind. 'Is it fair that almost every day of the week I get punished or flogged for nothing? '
  When the class was over, I walked up to Brother Bature and asked"Brother Bature, why should I forgive?"
His response was even more annoying, he said"Because, God said so."
"What? I don't think that's good. I mean why can't God punish the wicked?" I asked desperately.

" Well, he actually can,but he doesn't need you to do that for him. That's why he is God.We are in a season of Grace . God is not angry at the wicked.. he wants them to repent and come to him. That's why he sent his son Jesus to die for us all. So, it's is your duty and responsibility to pray for the wicked. Let them-"
" No! I won't.. they deserve to be-"
" To be what? Killed? "
" I.. I .. I don't know. It's my School, there are a lot of wicked people there especially the teachers. My principal is a devil! " I blurted out angrily.
" Have you met the devil? "
"No sir."
"Then don't call someone that God made a devil."
"But.. but she doesn't like anyone and she just uses people."
"But didn't Jesus say," pray for those who despitefully use you"?"
"He.. well."
"Your Principal can only change, if you intercede for her. "
" Inter what? No .. I hate her so much! "
" The love of God is shed abroad in your heart by the Holy spirit. You can't hate. Say it. " I said it and surprisingly, I felt better.
  " God loves you. He loved you even before you accepted Christ. He also loves your principal too. "
" I know.. my class captain is also devilish. "
" Hnm... You know what, I'm about to go see Deaconess, so, take this with you. It doesn't matter what you go through in School, at home.. in life, Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world! Always listen to the Holy spirit. "
  Having said that, he walked away. I still felt sad and lonely inside.
I wanted an answer. I needed an explanation. But, I held on to one thing he said and decided to put it to action. I'll forgive them.
  I'll try. Maybe she isn't as bad as she seems after all.
  I wish I was right.

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