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I stood there staring  at him like an idiot.
"Um.. sorry you said I should open my eyes, but they are open. "
" Ehn... use them properly now. "
" I am. "
" See fine girl abeg no disturb me oo. Me I no dey like to speak English but you want me to speak by force by fire! "
  " Look, this is so important -"
" See, I know why out came and who sent you.thays why I've told you what you want to hear."
" did you ... oooww! " I shouted in pain when I felt a very sharp pain on my back I turned around and the only person I saw standing was an Albino dressed in a  senior School  uniform, with a badge on it. 'He is a prefect! '
"What are you doing here! are you okay? don't  you know  that this is the Senior School, No Junior Students allowed. " After saying this, He hit me really hard with the cane he was holding on my right leg. He didn't stop there, he kept hitting me until I ran out of the class room.
  I didn't look back but I knew that Koyejo didn't fight for me or console me. I didn't cry, I held the tears and the pain until I got back to my Class room.
  I wish I had known better, I wouldn't have entered this class until tomorrow.
" Oh! Winner, you are here! where have you been? Mrs. Yejide is looking for you. You think you are wise ábi? " Cynthia said to me the moment I walked into  the class room. I was too tired and upset, too hurt to answer anybody.I went straight to my sit and laid my head on the table.
  "Look, all this one you are doing is your won cup of tea Ooo! Mrs. Yejide just came to the class this morning and flogged all of us on the Thursday row. She looked for you but you were hiding and then she said when you come we should send you to her office or else we would be in trouble. " Cynthia lamented unhappily.
   I stood up immediately and walked forward on the tables.
The population in JSS 2 increased again such that we still had to join our tables and chairs so that there would be enough space for others to sit. It wasn't as bad as it was in JSS 1 the only painful disadvantage is the fan. Mrs. Ibitoroko ordered that the fans should always be turned off despite the heat in the class room with the fans on. She said this because she doesn't want any
blood on her hands. "Please ooo off the fan before they kill their selves because this Children are actually very stubborn. The have to climb the tables to leave and go to their sits." She Said.
   I jumped sown dramatically with the thought of relieve that I was wearing my thick jean bum-short. I head to Mrs. Yejide's office -THE LIBRARY.
  "Good afternoon ma. um... I was  informed that you came to the class to discipline those that didn't sweep yesterday. "I started when I saw her seated diligently in her desk.
" Oh! so, You too you are among them. "
" Yes ma. I'm so sorry. So I'm here for you too give me my own portion.... "
" Of? "
" Of the beating ma. "
" Are you Okay? So you enjoy being flogged?"
"No ma.. but-"
"But what? Do you think I enjoy beating you guys? Don't you know it's a lot work? Most times, I have to take paracetamol after flogging you guys like this morning. I have to.. to.. because of the body pains. Now you are asking me to flog you? "
" Um.. ma... I'm so sorry about-"
" Olori buruku! (you are mad!) get out!!! "
" Yes ma. " I left immediately I didn't even look back. I walked down the stairs quickly but I slowed my pace when I almost got to my class room.
  When I got in, I acted as though I had been severely dealt with and this pleased Sarah a lot and my former sit mates tok who took on every opportunity they had to mock and make jest of me.
  They didn't know I was fooling them. I continued this act until Kehinde the class captain called my attention from the front of the class room. The whole class immediately became as silent as a court room.
"My name is Winner, not Obinna." I had grown a certain kind of dislike for her after what Asake told me about her.
"This is your concern. Follow me Mrs. Yejide is calling you." I stood up immediately and followed her out of the class room. From behind me, I could hear the resumption of the noise in the class room.
  When we got to the library, Mrs. Yejide spoke to me calmly as though she was seeing me today for the first time. Or did I change? It seems her age is really affecting her memory.
"Winner, how are you? did you travel? I Haven't seen you for a while now."
"Me? no ma. I'm good... I mean.. I didn't travel."
"Oh okay... so, I've told Kehinde that she  should give you my Yoruba note to copy for yourself, and then transfer it to the board . Is that clear? "
" Um... yes ma. " I nodded briefly and was bout to leave when her next words caught my  attention.
  "Rasheed Kehinde! iyawo-Owodé." She said this to Kehinde.
What? I want really good in Yoruba but I knew since I could remember that iyawo means wife and iyawo- Owodé simply means, wife of Owodé or Owodé's wife.
   When it comes to beauty, Asake couldn't compete with Rasheed Kehinde.
Kehinde is a beauty goddess; She is very faire, she has a pointed nose, long lashes, pink lips and luscious curves. Why would Owodé have someone like her and still want Asake. Asake is a pretty nerd.
   I was about to leave but when I heard that statement from Mrs. Yejide, I quickly went to one of the shelves, picked up a textbook and sat down very close to Mrs.Yejide's desk I covered my face with the big book and pretended to read so I could listen to their conversation clearly.
The painful this was that they spoke mostly in Yourba!
  " hnmm... Mrs. Yejide, I like him.."
"Common, shut up your mouth, you think I don't know? you are too beautiful for him. face your studies and you will-"
" Ma.. Mummy.. I'm facing my studies. We are just boy friend and girl friend oo. "
" hnmmm.. if you like, call me Daddy, mi o so fun ehn( I have told you.) Owodé is not a good boy, he is a cultist and I how you haven't messed your self up with him? "
" Ah! eewooo! (Taboo) Ah.. Mrs. Yejide Jo now! (please now?) I can not do that now, I am. not stupid. "
" Uhnm... see your mouth... ko si lo jare! (get out please!)
  When she left the library, I followed her.
I was about to talked to her about it but changed my mind when I realized that I was warned not to trust anybody.
  I copied the note as Mrs. Yejide commander me to until School closed. I didn't take the note Mrs.Yejide gave me home. I gave it back to Kehinde.
   I was already walking home with Rebecca when I felt my School bag being pulled from behind. I stopped and turned and to my uttermost surprise, it was Koyejo.
"Fine girl what's up? let me take you home now." He winked and I understood what he meant so I said yes.
" where is your School bag? "
"Me? I don't have bag oo. "
" Wow! so, where do you keep your books?"
" Ah ahn.. see this girl oo, do I even have book? "
" So, what do you write in during Class lectures? "
" Do I write? "
" You don't write, then what do you read for examinations?"
" Do I read? ha ... ha.. ha..You wouldn't read for any examination if you have a sit mate like Obinna. " He said while laughing and I immediately hushed him up.
"Hey, aren't you scared?"
"of, who? Owodé? No!"
" Ah! " I exclaimed Because of how casually he called Owodé's name.
" Look, it is only the one that plays with the lions tail that should be afraid not me."
" meaning? "
" see, I drink and smoke, I like girls a lot but I am not a cultist. I know I am stupid, I am not serious with my books even my mother and father , gave given up on me. In fact, my mother laid a curse on me. "
" So.. so.. you are-"
" No, I am not a cultist, I am just an unfortunate idiot. I no get future oo. The cultists in Osa School are one of the most well behaved students. See your Cousin now... Even though he is loosing his brain bit by bit, he still comes to School early and do his prefect work."
" What if the School authorities find out?"
" They won't do anything, in fact, they would even respect him more. "
" Wow! "
" You are still a small girl.. I don't want to tamper with your innocent mind. "
" okay. "
" So, you are the one that asked my cousin to join the Cult? "
" Now who is telling you this rubbish. Chibuikem is not a small boy, eighteen years old boy.... If I tell him to put his hand inside fire, would  he put it.... I know it's Asake that's telling you all this . but let me tell you one thing. Chibuikem has been a cultist since he was in JSS 3."
" Ah! it's a lie! " I exclaimed loudly, I didn't mind the attention I got from the other students passing by.
" Winner calm down. " Rebecca warned me calmly.
  " Ehn! hey! if you cry...... you better toughen up or else, I'll go. " Koyejo warned.
" I'm not crying. please continue."
So Mary's Elder Sister was right. They were all right!
" Now, because of his over Sabi... he doesn't want to listen to anybody. He thinks the small jazz he's using would help him! Omo your Cousin múmú o! "
" So, he uses jazz? "
" What are you saying? which Cultist no dey use jazz. They call am bounce back na! if they break bottle on your cousin head.. ehn..."
" Yes ? "
" He would not wound. "
" Wow."
     Koyejo didn't finish the discussion with me. He jumped on a sachet water truck passing by and bade us good bye from. the trunk. Other male students, did the same when they saw him.

   I got home feeling really tired and drowsy. I had my bath with warm water because I felt really cold and when I was done, I still felt cold. I also felt a headache and body pain.
I covered my self and cried myself to sleep. I cried not because of the head ache but the heart-ache. Why was Chibuikem so Stupid!
I started to wish that we were not in the same School and in fact the same family.


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