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  Sure enough, we started our WASSCE and it was really thought. It was very cumbersome and elaborate.
  As students, we faced a lot of trials and oppositions from our teachers and the invigilators.
  One of the shocking things that happened during the Examination was that Mrs.Fatima the new biology teacher walked into the class one morning while we were having our mathematics Examination. She went straight to a boy seated at the back and took his answer script from him. She walked to the front of the class like she was a Queen. Like Queen Jezebel.
  "Ah ahn.. ma, what did I do now?" The boy asked in shock and pain.
" Would you shut your mouth up! "She ordered him with a loud voice.
" Kazeem. " She called his name deductively, like a lioness luring her prey into her den.
  "Ma." He answered curtly while avoiding her gaze.
" Do you remember the day that, I came to this class and asked you people to contribute.. one hundred naira each for your practical, and you liked at me and said... I like money too much that you don't have any money to give .. "
" Ah.. ma.. me I don't remember anything o. "
" Then.. you are not ready to write your Examination. Good bye. "She was about leaving with the script when the Kazeem ran to her before he could get to her, the WAEC invigilator that was standing by the door and watching everything like a dead man stooped him by saying "sit down... No walking around in the Examination hall."
"But sir.. she has carried my paper."
"How is that my business? "He asked callously.
  Kazeem ignored him and was about to walk out of the class when the invigilator warned sternly" if you step out of that door, you are not coming in again.... The rest you better face your work and stop looking at us... Look let me make it clear to you guys, your School has not given me anything to drink not to talk of eat... I don't have strength to shout. "
  Kazeem went back to his sit with his head bowed. Sure enough, Mrs. Fatima also know as Queen Jezebel walked into the class for the second time holding his answer script up like a prized certificate.
  " Ma... I'm. Sorry na..... Please give me. My paper. " Kazeem pleased.
" You are very stupid.. you think I'm joking.. if you want your script.. you know what to do. "
  Kazeem dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out a rough hundred naira note and stretched it towards Mrs. Fatima. She laughed maliciously and said "wait ... Hold on... Kazeem do you think.. I would still take one hundred naira from you... You must be mad... Give me one thousand naira!" She ordered him like she was lord over his bank account.
The boy went down on his knees and begged her. " Ah.... Ma... Please I don't have that amount with me... I don't have cash -"
"Then transfer... I'll give you my account details -"
"Ma.. ah... Fear God na...... I don't have my phone for -"
"There is POS (point of service)outside.."
Ma... I cannot go outside... "
" It seems you are not ready... I don't know how you want to do it... All I want is my money! "
   Kazeem gave her the money after begging her for a long time. He had to do that because the time was almost up.
She took the money from him like it was hers and handed his answer script back to him like it was a piece of garbage.
   When she left the whole class started murmuring. "Hnm.. this Biology teacher is a witch.. so she can not leave hundred naira for him... She even collected one thousand naira .. ah!   And that money is his transport because his house is very far.... Hnm... Is only God that would help us in this our Examination.

  I saw a lot more than that during the WASSCE but I can't tell it all. Most of them would break my heart.
The mist painfully thing that happened was what I did. I copied during my Mathematics Examination. It was so hard that I had to copy and it was number three questions that tempted me to do this evil. I copied it and when I felt like it was wrong, I cancelled it and said to myself "it is better for me to fail using my own knowledge than to pass using someone else's knowledge."  I didn't try it for anymore questions.

  As the saying goes "time flies!" That was exactly how I felt on my last day in Secondary School. I was happy and sad at the same time. The former for the freedom to grow my hair and the latter, for the fact that I'd miss all my friends especially Joash. I wasn't very close to them but I'll still miss them.
  There was no graduation for us. I didn't get to put on a graduation gown because it's a public School. There was absolutely no celebration for us but guess what! My set did something... They organized an assembly and we all danced and danced and celebrated. We were putting on white shirts on our Skirts/trousers. Our white shirts were filled with different colours and signatures from friends and teachers. Mine was so full that others had to use a smaller pen or marker to write on it.
   We took a lot of pictures.They were surprised to see me taking pictures because on a normal day, I didn't do that.
  I felt so confident and relieved.
  We didn't have a proper graduation but we were happy. We weren't sure about our results but we were still happy.

  I tried so hard not to cry. I wanted to be tough as I stood on the Senior School corridor and remembered the day my mum and I walked into the School gate to get me registered for School. I remember how Chibuikem always stood by me and defended me until he was gone. I remembered Asake, Eniola, Janet, Jenifer and the students who made my secondary School experience a tough and interesting one.
  It was the survival of the fittest, I was among the fittest, even though I wasn't fit. I saw the joy on the faces of my class mates as they took pictures and danced and celebrated like they were out if University.
   I didn't want the moment to end. I wanted to stay there forever. To smile forever. I did a lot of things on that day. For the very first time in my life, I painted my nails. Some girls in my class did it for me. Like they forced me to do .
   I felt so good breaking the laws. I did things I wouldn't do on a normal School day like walking out if the School gate repeatedly. 'I am an undergraduate! ' I thought to myself multiple times that day.

  Finally, it was closing, We had to say good bye forever and go home.
"Obinna, I'm going ooo.. see you in my next life..." Joash said to me as he walked off.
  I cried as I watched him go down the stairs.
  Some of my class mates  saw me crying and walked up to me. They sang happily for me

   "Hey.. school has closed... You are no more a head girl.... You are not... You are no more a head girl."

  They sang happily. Their song made me laugh and cry at the same time. For the first time in years, I felt genuinely happy to be in Osa School.


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