rise!turtles x mother figure reader requested

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The rain poured down in torrents, turning the streets of New York City into rivers. The air was thick with the smell of wet asphalt and the distant hum of traffic. Amidst the urban chaos, in a dimly lit alleyway, a figure in a dark raincoat hurriedly made their way through the night.

Y/N pulled the hood of their coat tighter around their face, trying to shield themselves from the relentless rain. They had just finished a late shift at the hospital and were eager to get home to their warm apartment. The alleyway was a shortcut they often took, despite the potential dangers it posed. Tonight, however, it was more than just a shortcut—it was the start of something extraordinary.

As Y/N splashed through a particularly deep puddle, they heard a faint sound that made them pause. It was soft, barely audible over the rain, but it was unmistakably the sound of a baby crying. Frowning, Y/N turned their head, eyes scanning the darkness for the source. The cries grew louder as they ventured deeper into the alley, heart pounding in their chest.

There, nestled among the trash cans and discarded boxes, were four tiny figures. As they approached, Y/N's breath caught in their throat. They were turtles—but not just any turtles. These were baby turtles, and their little limbs flailed as they cried out, clearly frightened and alone. They had vibrant, distinct markings on their shells, each unique from the other.

Instinctively, Y/N's maternal instincts kicked in. They knelt down, hands gentle as they scooped up the nearest turtle, cradling it against their chest. The little creature quieted almost immediately, its big eyes looking up at them with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

"Hey there, little one," Y/N cooed softly. "Where did you come from?"

One by one, they gathered the other three turtles, holding them close as they snuggled against them. Y/N's mind raced with questions, but they knew they couldn't leave them here. They needed warmth, food, and care—things Y/N could provide, at least for tonight.

Just as they were about to turn and leave the alley, a shadow fell over them. Y/N's heart skipped a beat as they looked up, eyes meeting those of an unusual figure. He was short and stocky, with a long beard and a strange, almost rat-like appearance. He wore a tattered robe and walked with a cautious yet determined gait.

"Please," the figure said, his voice gravelly but gentle. "Do not take them away."

Y/N's grip tightened protectively around the turtles, instincts urging them to be cautious. "Who are you?" they asked, voice steady despite the pounding of their heart.

"My name is Splinter," he replied, eyes softening as he looked at the babies in their arms. "They are... my sons. I have been searching for them."

Y/N studied him for a moment, seeing the genuine concern and relief in his eyes. They took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright, Mr. Splinter. Let's get out of this rain and talk."

Y/N's apartment was small but cozy, filled with the warmth of a home that had been lived in and loved. They set the turtles down on a soft blanket in the living room, watching as they immediately started exploring their new surroundings. Splinter, after shedding his drenched robe, sat on the edge of the couch, eyes never leaving the turtles.

"Thank you," he said softly, voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what I would have done if I had lost them."

Y/N nodded, curiosity piqued. "How did they end up in that alley?" they asked gently.

Splinter sighed, running a hand through his wet fur. "It is a long story, but suffice it to say, we were separated during our journey. These little ones are special. They have been exposed to a mutagenic substance that has given them unique abilities. I am their caretaker, their father, and it is my duty to protect and raise them."

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