Time Travel Tacos

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A/N: I started writing again after eight years,
I've never uploaded my stories  and that's why I'm a little scared. 

please tell me if you like it

Warnings: None

The day started like any other for Y/N

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The day started like any other for Y/N. She was working the lunch shift at Tasty Tacos, the best taco stand in the city, and trying to keep up with the steady stream of customers. It was Taco Tuesday, which meant extra busy, but Y/N didn't mind. She liked the fast pace, the chatter of happy customers, and the smell of sizzling meat and fresh tortillas. What she didn't like was the sudden appearance of a disheveled teenager with a very serious expression standing in front of her.

"Hey, kid, you lost or something?" Y/N asked, glancing around to see if a concerned parent was nearby. The boy, who couldn't have been more than thirteen, although he had the aura of someone much older, stared at her with piercing blue eyes.

"Do I look lost to you?" he retorted, sounding both annoyed and world-weary.

Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Well, you're standing in front of a taco stand looking like you just crawled out of a time machine, so yeah, a little."

The boy sighed and rubbed his temples. "I'm Number Five. I'm from The Umbrella Academy. And no, I'm not lost. I'm exactly where I need to be."

"Uh-huh." Y/N tried to process the information. "Right. And I'm supposed to know what The Umbrella Academy is because...?"

Five looked at her like she had just asked him to explain quantum mechanics to a toddler. "It's not important. What is important is that I need your help."

"With what? A taco?"

"No," he said impatiently, "I need to borrow your taco stand."

Y/N blinked. "You need to borrow...my taco stand."

"Yes," Five said, as if this were the most reasonable request in the world.


He sighed again, clearly frustrated. "I don't have time to explain all the details, but let's just say I'm on a mission that involves saving the world, and right now, your taco stand is the best place to hide from some very dangerous people."

Y/N looked around. Her taco stand, with its cheerful red-and-yellow paint job and the happy chatter of customers, hardly seemed like a place for world-saving missions. But then again, she had never met anyone quite like this kid before.

"Okay," she said slowly. "So, you want to hide behind the counter or something?"

"Exactly." Five gave her a rare, small smile. "And I'll take a taco while I'm at it. Beef, extra spicy."

Y/N shook her head, trying to wrap her mind around the bizarre situation. "Fine, but if you get me in trouble with my boss, you're paying for all the tacos."

"Deal," Five said, already moving behind the counter with surprising agility for someone his size.

As Y/N prepared his taco, she couldn't help but ask, "So, you time travel and save the world, huh?"

"Pretty much," Five said, peeking out from behind a stack of tortilla boxes.

"Must be exhausting."

"You have no idea."

Y/N handed him the taco and watched as he devoured it in record time. "Good thing you've got tacos to keep you going."

Five looked at her, crumbs around his mouth. "You know, Y/N, if we do save the world, maybe I'll bring the team here for a celebratory meal. You might just have the best tacos in the entire timeline."

Y/N laughed. "I'll hold you to that, Number Five."

Just then, a group of men in dark suits and sunglasses appeared, scanning the area. Five ducked down lower, motioning for Y/N to keep quiet.

"Let me guess," she whispered. "Those are the dangerous people?"

Five nodded. "Yeah. And they do not appreciate good tacos."

Y/N smirked. "Their loss. Hang tight, I'll handle them."

She stepped out in front of the taco stand, greeting the men with her best customer service smile. "Hi there! Can I interest you in our special Taco Tuesday deal?"

The men exchanged confused glances. "We're looking for someone," one of them said.

"Well, I can assure you there's no one here but hungry customers. But how about a taco while you search? On the house."

The men hesitated, then grudgingly accepted. As they ate, Five slipped out the back, giving Y/N a grateful nod.

"Best tacos in the timeline," he mouthed before disappearing into the alley.

Y/N chuckled as she watched him go. "Just another day at Tasty Tacos," she muttered to herself. "Just another day."

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