Jason roscoe fanfiction

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Jason woke up that morning to the sound of his alarm clock he pressed it down,"Robbie are you awake Robbie!". Robbie sat up "yes I'm up for God's sake!"he shouted "good" Jason said as he got his shirt on "because if you don't get up you will be late for school"he said grabbing his things, "Jeez jase you aren't half annoying,I haven't even decided if I want to go in"he smirked. Jason rolled his eyes and left the room.

Jason and Robbie walked to school together robbie separating as he reached school, like he always did because jason wasn't cool enough.

Jason had been avoiding holly since she had kissed the kid in their year he felt like crap he just wasn't like his brothers muscular and confident he was just stupid quiet jason who couldn't keep his girlfriend interested in him.

"Jason roscoe" the teacher shouted he felt a jab in the ribs from robbie,he had obviously not been paying attention as everyone was laughing. "What's up with you jase" robbie said as he left class, "nothing just leave me be alright" jason shouted as he pushed robbie out of the way "jase" robbie yelled after him.

Jason went to the bathroom and looked at his reflection all he could see was this fat idiot looking back what should I do he thought he remembered loosing weight when he was younger and had not been diagnosed with diabetes yet, if I stop taking insulin I might loose weight and then when I have lost some I will be just like my brothers he thought. His phone lit up as he had set a reminder he was due an insulin injection right now he put his phone away and  left with out taking his shot.

Jason ran back that day "jason please stop" robbie said catching up "what" jason said, "I want to walk back with you" he said catching his breath "oh what am I cool enough for you now when no one's around" jason said "what no jase it's not like that please don't be like this" robbie said feeling bad for jason. Jason felt dizzy he had skipped his past shots and was feeling dizzy and hadn't eaten since the morning "please...leave me alone" he said trying to finish his sentance Robbie realised Jason's discomfort "jase what's wrong are you ok" he said concerned for his twin jason couldn't stop everything from spinning "why... wouldn't... I be" he said putting his hands on his knees he felt robbie grab his shoulders "Jason your acting really weird please stop and sit down" robbie said worringly. "No leave me alone I'm going for a run" he said stumbling away from his shocked twin "jase you ain't going anywhere like this" he said trying to follow his twin, jason got a boost of energy and ran off from his brother. Robbie tried to catch up but he lost sight of his twin "Oh no Jase"  he yelled before dialing his number "jason pick up" he began to panic where was jason and what was wrong with him.

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