Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Ziggy just sat there, jason was now playing with his jacket "What do you want ziggy?" Jason asked obviously not wanting to sit in silence any more, "I'm just worried about you" ziggy said as he looked up at jason, jason starred at ziggy his older brother was obviously worried and curious as to what was up with him "Why? I'm fine would everyone stop fussing, I'm tiered of it" jason said as he looked away from ziggy, "Mate, we are your big brothers your the youngest we will always worry about you!" He said smiling slightly as jason rolled his eyes in annoyance "You all think I'm pathetic, The runt of the litter!" Jason yelled but he sounded upset not angry, "Oh jase,why would we think that" ziggy said shocked at his little brothers words.

Ziggy wrapped his arm around Jason, noticing how thin his brother had gotten "Your...so thin..jase...why?" Ziggy asked worried, jason got angry "I don't even know why am talking to you, just get out your all the fucking same,your all deluded, your deluded mate I'm not thin and I have been eating!" Jason yelled as he pulled away from ziggy, ziggy starred "Jase...I" Jason stopped him "Oh keep your bullshit to your self!" Jason yelled again, ziggy starred at jason and shook his head as he reluctantly left the room. 

Joe starred at ziggy as he came down the stairs "What's happened, you look upset?" Joe asked concerned, ziggy shrugged "He won't listen,He just gets so touchy!?" Ziggy  muttered as he sat down, Joe nodded in response "I know mate, but it's just a Phase all teenagers are weird" Joe said smiling at ziggy.

Jason was in his room doing press ups when he decided to do the weights, he hadn't been able to lift these before but what was the harm in trying, he lay flat down and placed his hands on the metal bar and struggled to even lift it up of the stand,He managed to lift it up after a lot of effort, Robbie came up the stairs when he heard Jason in Joe's room he heard Jason groaning he went over to the room, jason was struggling to lift it and struggling to set it down he then heard robbie "JASE!? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, OH MY GOD GIVE US!?" Robbie yelled as he ran over and placed the heavy weight back down, jason just stayed where he was, he really was pathetic he couldn't even hold a weight up, his twin had to fucking save him, "You could of been crushed, Jesus jase could of fallen on your neck, your not strong enough to do these your about as strong as a puppy!" Robbie muttered smirking at jason and then burst out Laughing, jason felt tears in his eyes he was so weak it was embarrassing, Robbie stopped laughing as he saw the upset look on Jason's face, he almost looked like he was crying Robbie didn't want to laugh but if his brother was crying that was hilarious, he then continued to laugh.

Jason just wiped his eyes as his twin brother laughed in his face, he got up and wiped his eyes, Robbie stopped laughing feeling bad for making his brother that upset "I'm sorry...it's just why the hell are you crying" Robbie smirked, jason looked away "I'm NOT!" He yelled as he left the room.

Robbie followed "Jase, I'm sorry it's just how could you think you could lift that?" Robbie asked as he rubbed jason on the back, jason moved away "I COULD'VE" jason yelled, Robbie starred "No, jase you couldn't ", Robbie looked at jason "I'm sorry, ok I didn't mean to make you upset but I was just messing with ya" Robbie muttered, jason shook his head "No your right I'm weak and pathetic"  Jason mumbled, Robbie sat next to jason "I never said that, What's wrong?" Robbie asked, jason ignored him and left the room.

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