Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Freddie and Robbie stepped out of the car and passed people a picture of jason "have you seen my brother" robbie asked, the man shook his head "No I'm sorry" and walked on.

Freddie looked at robbie "Jason has no money or anything so how can he  be eating " Freddie asked, Robbie starred "I don't know but we need to find him!",A young man walked passed robbie and Freddie "Hey!" Freddie yelled as the boy ran off "what's his problem" robbie starred,The young man ran round the corner and took of his hood,it was jason.

Freddie starred to follow him, Robbie yelled "Freds, what you playing at?" Freddie didn't answer he just ran after the boy "Wait," Robbie yelled as he followed Freddie.

Jason couldn't run that fast he was weak and all his strength had gone,"Stop" Freddie yelled robbie tried to catch up "what is it!" He yelled, Freddie turned to robbie "I just wanna ask him something" but before he could jason ran off.

Freddie ran after him "STOP!" He yelled as he tried to catch up, Robbie followed "Freddie,leave him" he muttered, Freddie turned away and went back with robbie.

Jason felt dizzy he turned round and saw Freddie and Robbie wondering off he had missed his brothers.

He knew they would be worrying because he had left all his belongings including his phone in the park and the other day when he slipped he had cut his head which is where the blood is from, But he knew they didn't care that much.

He starred at the photo of him and robbie,he blinked he couldn't see anything he yelled out as he collapsed to the floor and slammed his head of a rock.

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