Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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The next morning was saturday, jason got up at 6:00am he decided to go for a run.

Robbie woke up at 6:30 to find jason was gone "Why do you run so much" he muttered to himself as he fell back asleep.

Jason arrived back home at 9:00am he stepped on the scales he was loosing weight, he smiled, he got an overpowering dizzy spell and grabbed the sink top "ahhh" he groaned as he stumbled out of the bathroom, he tiptoed into his room but robbie was up "3 hour run and no doubt more later" jason just starred "your point" jason snapped the lack of insulin was making him quite short tempered "my point is" robbie said climbing of the bed "your going to kill yourself" jason just shook his head "what's wrong with running? Huh!" "Nothing usually, but you hardly eat you'll collapse jase" robbie yelled jason just turned away and walked out.

He left the room and Robbie followed, Jason went down a few stairs and stopped he felt dizzy and he swayed forwards and backwards but he felt Robbie grab his shoulders "Jason, slow down alright! You just been for a long run"jason just headed down the stairs, he drunk two glasses of water, robbie starred "eat something" jason glared "I'm not hungry" jason left back upstairs, robbie didn't know what to think as to why his brother wasn't eating.

Freddie bumped into jason "Please jase just let me apologize" jason moved away but Freddie put his hands on his younger brothers shoulders , Robbie came up "Oi! You get away from him!" He yelled as he walked up to his twin "you okay," jason nodded, Freddie looked at robbie "I wasn't hurting him..." Robbie looked at Freddie "weren't you, I wouldn't be surprised". 

Freddie couldn't believe his brothers hated him.

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