Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason starred, his brother had figured something out what was he going to say.

Robbie glared "Well go on,Jase tell another bullshit story" Robbie yelled, jason just glared he felt his eyes fill with tears there was no way he could lie, Robbie would never believe him.

Robbie grabbed Jason's arm "Where did you get this, Or how did you get it?" Robbie asked, jason starred "I fell" Robbie starred "I thought you cut it", jason looked away "Oh yeah...I did" jason said trying to remember every thing he had said so he wouldn't trip up again.

Robbie glared he looked angry but then a look of sadness washed over his face, jason swallowed hard, had he figured out that he does this to himself because he is a fat failure, "Jase...Did some one do it to you" Robbie asked, jason rolled his eyes "Of course not" he said angrily, Robbie frowned "they did didn't they, is it because your...gay" Robbie asked whispering at the last word, jason starred in shock his twin had thought he was gay since the day he found the body building magazines, he had told him on numerous occasions that he was not, but robbie didn't believe him.

Jason didn't reply he felt angry,disappointed and upset at the same time, he opened his mouth and he just started yelling, it wasn't till he stopped he realized what he had said, "I'm NOT gay! You want to know the truth! Do you?! I DID THIS, I SLIT MY WRISTS BECAUSE MY OWN TWIN THINKS IM GAY EVEN THOUGH I TELL HIM IM NOT..." Jason yelled, shocked by his own words, Robbie stares he looked like he was almost in tears, had he really reduced his brother to tears, No he couldn't of?

Robbie starred, the rims of his eyes filled with tears, "You did that...!?" Robbie whispered starring at his twins arm, jason starred, "I made you do that...?" Robbie muttered, jason looked away he didn't mean all of the time he cut was because of Robbie but sometimes Robbie would say things which jason just couldn't forget so he would cut, "I..." Jason started, Robbie stopped Jason "I'm sorry..." Robbie muttered as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Jason then realised what he had done, Robbie had found out he cut, so it wouldn't be long before he told the others "PLEASE,please,please don't tell them, you can't...!" Jason yelled as he began sobbing, Robbie sat down beside Jason and pulled him close "Jase...calm down!" He said as he hugged his brother, jason just sobbed "You can't, please,please" jason pleaded Robbie pulled his brothers head up and cupped his face "How many...Times have you..." Robbie muttered, jason starred and lied "Not much twice" he said knowing that only two cuts were visible to Robbie but jason had a lot more than just two, Robbie nodded "Im sorry, so sorry just please Dont ever do it again" Robbie pleaded, jason nodded though he had no intention of stopping.

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