Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Joe ignored Robbie, "Try and sit up for me,mate?" Joe muttered, Robbie starred "No, don't jase!" Robbie said as he gently pushed jason back, Freddie starred "Joe, he needs a doctor, just to check" Freddie muttered, Joe shook his head "He's fine, aren't you Jason?" Joe asked, Jason nodded weakly.

Ziggy starred at jason, "How do ya feel mate?" Ziggy asked, Jason starred "I'm fine, I just wanna go home!" Jason muttered, It wasn't exactly the truth, his head was extremely sore, and all the yelling from robbie and Joe wasn't helping at all, Joe gave glare to Robbie and Freddie, "I know mate, that's where were going now, don't worry!" Joe muttered as he looked back down to jason, Jason sat up slowly as Joe and ziggy supported his back, "Right" Joe muttered as he put his hand under Jason's legs and the other just under his arms supporting his back,  "Lets go..."  Joe stopped and frowned as he got to his feet, Jason was so light, practically felt like nothing in Joe's hands, "Do you even eat?" Joe said smirking, as jason blushed, Jason knew Joe was just kidding, but he was lying because how could he think that Jason ate too much.

Freddie glared at Joe "Do you know how irresponsible that is, firstly you yell at him so he runs off the next you nearly kill him but the worst is you won't even take him to the Hospital!" Freddie yelled angrily, Robbie starred obviously agreeing with Freddie, Joe frowned "You better shut your mouth!" He said sternly, before looking down at jason who clearly didn't need everyone shouting "Or ill make you walk home!" Joe said jokingly, ziggy let out a small laugh, as Freddie just rolled his eyes along with robbie.

Joe carefully placed Jason in the back seat "you ok mate,your not feeling sick or anything?" Joe said obviously concerned that maybe he was being stupid not getting him checked out, Jason looked up "I'm fine!" Jason whispered, Joe nodded as robbie just starred "Well he could get God knows what brain damage from hitting the ground!" Robbie muttered, Joe rolled his eyes "He passed out, I didn't hit him, he's fine!" Joe muttered.

Freddie got in the seat next to jason along with robbie on the other side, as Joe and ziggy both sat at front, Freddie put a protective hand around Jason's small body, "Are you sure your alright jase?" Freddie asked still worried, Jason smiled and gave a nod, Freddie and Robbie shared a worried glance.

Jason put his hand around his pocket making sure the bag was still safely hidden away, smiling slightly as he felt the bag in his pocket.

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