Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason sat on his bed he couldn't stop thinking about his fat body which ziggy had seen ziggy probably was laughing right now, And telling everyone, Jason wiped his eyes.

Ziggy was sat in the garage he to couldn't stop thinking about jason, what was he doing looking in his mirror and why was he so frightened when he came in.

"Zigs pass me the spanner"Joe shouted "ziggy"  ziggy wasn't listening "oh what" he turned round Joe glanced at ziggy and saw he was obviously distressed "what's wrong zig" ziggy frowned "I saw jason something's up with him" Joe smiled "he's fine the twins are always acting weird" ziggy relaxed he was right they were teenagers.

Robbie headed back jason was still up stairs robbie came in "hi jase" he said putting his jacket down jason turned round "oh hi rob" robbie frowned "you good" he said jumping in bed, jason nodded and got up Robbie looked over at his twin "where you going it's late" jase replied "to clear my head" robbie wanted to come but he didn't want to get up "don't be long".

Jason's head was in agony and everything was spinning he walked past the garage and heard his brothers closing up he felt sick it had been ages since he had eaten and his body really needed his insulin.

Jason stumbled digging through his pocket he grabbed what was left of his steroids and took out the bottle before he could them his hands trembled and the bottle fell on the ground jason went to pick it up but he had a dizzy spell  and he couldn't get a breath.

Jason had a jabbing pain in his stomach "ahhh" he groaned as he grabbed his stomach.

Jason collapsed to the floor, he lay unconscious in the late dark night.

Robbie woke up "jase,jason" he whispered he looked a the bunk below jason wasn't there "jason?" It had been an hour since jason had left robbie sat in the dark hoping his brother would come through the door any minute.

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