Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason was sat in the bed his family were all sitting around Robbie was asleep,Freddie was talking to Joe and Sandy and ziggy were both talking "Hi jase good to have ya back" ziggy smiled, jason didn't reply "I was really worried about you" jason tried to force a smile "I'm sorry" ziggy patted his arm "Your back now!" ziggy grinned, Jason nodded.

When they had left the hospital Robbie was worried about Jason's recent behaviour, so he decided to search their room to see if there was any reason for his behavior he pulled out a large box from under the bed he looked at the pile of magazines he picked one up and flicked through, Robbie starred at the amount of body building magazines, Robbie pushed it back under and left the room.

Robbie sat down its obvious he thought he's gay.

Sandy and Freddie headed to the hospital to take jason home that following day, everyone was rushing around him and suffocating him , everyone except robbie.

Jason sat in his bed,He knew he had to do everything more secretly but he would carry on not taking his insulin and not eating.

Jason was still in his bed when robbie burst through the door "You wanna tell me anything" he said angrily trying to stay calm "No" jason mumbled, Robbie starred "The magazines,I saw them, your gay and its wrong you know that!" He yelled, jason starred in shock "What...no! I'm not GAY!" Robbie looked at his brother "your a disgusting freak!" He yelled, "I aint gay!" Jason yelled,.Robbie looked at his brother who was looking upset "There is no point lying"robbie muttered "But I'm not" jason yelled, "Dont talk to me ever again!" Robbie left the room.

Jason couldn't believe his brother could be that wrong.

Robbie couldn't stop thinking about what he had said he had told his twin he never wanted to talk to him he was angry but he didn't mean it not really he just wanted to tell jason that he had to be straight even if he didn't want to it was wrong and he didn't want to have that for a twin.

Jason had told his mum he had taken his insulin and had made some thing to eat when she was at work which was a lie.

Jason was sat in bed he was feeling dizzy but it was getting easier to restrict his insulin.

Robbie went to thier room that night he starred at jason, jason got up and left to get changed in the bathroom Robbie just starred he didn't know why he was always leaving to get dressed but he didn't care about that,not now.

Jason came back in and sat on his bed he grabbed his steroids and took them and then got in bed, Robbie didn't say anything but he wanted to talk to his twin.

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