Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason pulled his sleeve over the painful cuts and left the bathroom.

Robbie was now back in the living room Joe turned around "How is jase?" Joe asked "Erhm I don't know im worried about him" he muttered as he switched the tv off, Joe starred obviously concerned for jason "Why, what is it?" Joe asked as he sat upright in the chair and starred at robbie, "I'm probably just paranoid, but for awhile now way before his disappearing act, well he won't talk to any of us don't eat anymore and he's collapsing and he just don't seem right like the other day he stepped right in front of the road, he just seemed out of it!?" Robbie said trying to make sense of Jason's behavior, Joe nodded he had noticed all these things and then there was the steroids but he couldn't tell Robbie as he promised Jason, and Jason had told them he had only tried them that one time but what if he was lying, no jason wouldn't be so stupid and he wouldn't lie would he?

Ziggy walked in "I'm sure he's fine" he said as he squeezed robbie's shoulder "Yeah of course he is" robbie said as he smiled at ziggy and sat down.

Jason was sat in his room when he heard Joe calling him "Jason, dinner Hurry up!" Joe yelled, jason gave another glance in the mirror crunching up his face and clenced his fists he looked vile, disgusting and fat, he hated him self.

Jason came in to the dining area where his brothers were all sat at the table eating there dinner, stuffing there faces more like.

Joe watched as jason sat down he hadn't really noticed before not really, jason had lost weight not only that he looked like a skeleton in his baggy clothes, he carried on watching as jason picked at his dinner and he looked uncomfortable, upset even, "Jase? You alright mate" Joe asked curiously, jason starred "Yeah course why?" Jason replied Joe just shook his head "Nothing, don't matter mate" Joe muttered, he didn't really know what was wrong he just tried not to worry he was probably just going through a Phase, yeah that was it.

Freddie was sitting quietly, Joe had been completely blanking him since what jason had said,  he was concerned about Jason's behaviour he was really thin, he didn't know what he had came in on earlier but whatever it was jason didn't want anyone to see.

Ziggy had also noticed Jason's weird behavior he didn't really think too much of it not really but he was curious he hadn't been eaten and he hadn't been himself but he was sure he was fine because he would talk to them if he wasn't wouldn't he?

Robbie was eating his dinner when he felt someone Starring at him he looked up and saw jason just glaring at him he looked angry, "What!?" Robbie asked, jason just starred "Huh?" Jason mumbled as he looked away.

Jason watched as robbie ate the disgusting fatty foods why didn't he care he would be fat and disgusting if he carried on eating.

Jason put his full plate in the Kitchen and scraped it down the bin and went out for a run.

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