Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason starred tightening his grip on the napkin, Before he even had a chance to explain himself, or to figure out exactly what ziggy had seen, ziggy was making his way over to jason "What are you doing...?" Ziggy asked as he walked over to jason.

Ziggy had walked in to see his younger brother putting his dinner in a napkin, Confused he made his way over to his brother "What is going on? Why would you...?" Ziggy started but he couldn't even figure out the words to say, As if ziggy wasn't already confused and concerned over his younger brothers recent behaviour and actions, but this was a whole new level it made no sense to ziggy why Jason would put food in a napkin?

Jason starred, and began stuttering out "It's...not...I just...I'm...not...hungry" Jason yelled trying to sound convincing, Ziggy just starred before grabbing the napkin, and pulling Jason out of the room with him. 

Robbie and Joe were watching the television, Freddie was on his phone when ziggy walked in pulling Jason with him, Robbie frowned "Zigs? What is it?" Robbie asked confused, Joe barley took his eye of the television "What is it?" Joe muttered clearly not really interested, ziggy starred "Well I just caught our little brother, stuffing food in bloody napkins!" Ziggy yelled, immediately Freddie turned and starred wide eyes, Robbie starred frowning as he looked between jason and ziggy,And Joe now had his full attention on what ziggy had said, "What...why!" Robbie muttered, ziggy starred at jason "Thats what I'd like to know!" Ziggy said angrily.

Jason wanted to just disappear, things had clearly not gone to plan, Jason never expected to be caught how could he of been so stupid, how could he achieve perfection from fucking up.

Jason swallowed hard "I...didn't like it so I put it in the napkin" jason said trying to be convincing as he gave a light shrug trying to prove that there was nothing else to it, But none of his brothers were convinced "Bullshit!" Freddie said sounding irritated, as he put a hand over his face "Jase, what the fuck is wrong with you! What's wrong with you" Freddie said whispering the last phrase.

Robbie made his way over to his twin, "why won't you eat jase?" Robbie said much more calmly than the others, even though Joe was yet to make his thoughts heard,Jason could tell he was far from calm, Jason frowned But didn't reply, he ate too much.

Robbie rolled his eyes "How can we fucking understand if you won't talk to us!" Robbie yelled, Jason stepped back "Understad what!? There is nothing to understand, your all deluded!" Jason yelled angrily stepping away from his brothers.

Robbie  shook his head "Jase, You won't eat, won't talk tell me how that's normal" robbie stated, That made jason angrier, they were right he wasn't normal, they wanted to see him get fat again, not like he was not fat at the moment but gradually he was getting skinnier, nowhere near enough but soon he would be perfect but They just wanted to see him fail, "Fuck you, all of you, You just want me to fail!" Jason yelled, Joe got up and stood beside his brother "Fail at what mate, Tell me what we want you to fail, We need to understand what your talking about Jase?" Joe said calmy as he placed his hand on Jason's shoulder.

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