Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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The following day jason woke up he had hoped the night before was a dream, but it wasn't Robbie knew Jason cut.

Jason walked down the stairs where Joe was making breakfast "Oh hi jase, Come eat!" He said, jason just glared "No, I'm not hungry, I'm going for a long run so someone can have mine" jason said pulling a chilled water bottle out and putting it in his pocket,the several amount of layers he had on made him sweat and the lack of food and insulin made him weak and dizzy but he carried on running he needed to be perfect, he didn't care about his diabetes he didn't need insulin, his brothers wanted him to fail, but jason was going to prove them wrong he was going to be perfect no matter how hard.

Joe sat down on the table, Freddie came in "I thought jase was down here" he said as he grabbed a plate, Joe shook his head "He was, but he went for a run he's not hungry" Joe muttered, Freddie frowned "Doesnt he say that every single god damm day" Freddie muttered, Joe nodded.

Robbie came down, "Jase? He out" he said starring at Joe, Joe nodded "Running", Robbie just nodded.

Jason was running as much as he could trying to ignore the dizziness he felt but he had to stop when his eye sight  went black again, he stumbled up against a tree "fuck!"  He mumbled.

Ziggy was on the seat with robbie and Freddie when Joe walked in "He don't eat, don't sleep,don't talk" Joe muttered, Robbie frowned "Whats wrong?" Robbie asked, Joe just starred "I'm worried a bout him" Joe said, Freddie nodded "Yeah and he keeps talking bullshit" Freddie muttered, Joe frowned "Explain?", Freddie forgot that Robbie and ziggy weren't aware of the steroids "I never sold him fucking steroids or bloody asked him to buy some he's my brother, I mean he scared the shit out of me when he collapsed that day..." Freddie stopped, glancing around the room at his brothers, Joe had his eyes wide as if he was telling him to shut up and ziggy and Robbie looked confused "Steroids?" Ziggy muttered, Robbie stood up "What the FUCK ! What do you mean, you knew jason was taking fucking steroids and you didn't say a word even when he collapsed!" Robbie yelled, Joe glared at Freddie and then yelled "Just calm down! He told us not to!" Joe yelled, Freddie frowned "that's probably not all he's on, he probably takes all sorts of drugs no wonder he hides his arms" Freddie muttered he meant to say it in his head but he spoke out loud.

Robbie walked over to Freddie "Shut the fuck up!" He yelled pushing Freddie shoulders, Freddie stood up and ziggy pulled them away "Jason is on drugs, it's obvious" Freddie said glaring at Robbie, Robbie wanted to punch him but ziggy pulled the two brothers apart.

Joe glared at Freddie "What if he is, I mean he would never tell us" Joe mumbled, ziggy and Freddie nodded in agreement, but robbie just starred he didn't want to think his twin was doing drugs, it just was so not like him, but robbie hardly knew anything about jason anymore, he was gaunt and frail, when you would talk he would be touchy and short tempered, what if he was on drugs? 

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