Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason lay on the ground unconscious.

Robbie turned in his bed he had a weird feeling that something was wrong he tried to ignore it "Jase,jase" he muttered "Are you asleep,jason,jase!!" He said as he turned to go back to sleep he saw that the bunk below was empty "Jase?" He said trying not to wake anyone up, he peared over the bed and jumped down the ladder of the bunk "Jason" he was about to check the bathroom when he saw jason lying on the floor face down, "Oh shit, Jason! Jase!" He said grabbing hold of his brothers weak body "Jase, can you hear me?!" He said beginning to panic, he gently shook his twin, jason cracked open his eyes "Ahhh" he muttered, Robbie widened his eyes "Oh thank god, Jase are you alright what happened?" Robbie said looking at jason, jason nodded weakly "I'm fine" he said trying to get up but robbie pushed  him back down "your head!" Robbie said as his eyes widened as he looked at the bleeding cut on his twins head, They must have been talking loud because Joe came in "What are you doing!" He muttered, He looked at the floor to find Jason lying on the ground with robbie kneeling down beside him "Whats happened?" He said shaking Jason's shoulder, "Freddie I'm fine really!" Jason didn't know what he said wrong but Joe and Robbie gave each other worried glances before Robbie asked "Jason what did you say?" Jason starred "Freddie don't need to be here..." he stopped talking when he realised robbie and Joe were looking at him with concerned faces "Oh sorry, Joe!", Joe smiled slightly "Are you feeling ok mate,What happened" jason spoke before he had realised what he had said "I couldn't see anything and I tripped..." he didn't finish his sentance as robbie interrupted "What do you mean you couldn't see!" He said, Joe just starred "Jase, when was the last time you took any insulin?" He said worryingly.

Jason just glared, how could he be so stupid "I have taken my  insulin, I just meant because it was dark and I fell!", Robbie and Joe weren't convinced "Well you won't mind if we take your blood sugar" robbie said getting up to find Jason's insulin,"NO you don't need to!" Jason yelled he tried to get up but Joe placed his hand on his shoulder "Slow down mate,just calm down let me check your head" Joe said pushing jason back down "Just leave me be,I'm fine I just need to sleep!" Jason yelled.

Joe had checked jason millions of times to make sure he weren't hurt before Jason headed back to bed, jason was able to convince them he had taken his insulin but he wasn't sure if robbie believed him.

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