Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason had been upset in the bathroom for a while trying to figure out how he could fix his appearance.

He had been dieting and hadn't been taking his insulin but he needed to exercise more he needed to look good before he could finish he realized he had missed his lesson, Robbie was sitting in class when he realized how long jason had been away for.

Robbie went to the bathroom to find jason when he entered he saw jason "jason I was starting to wonder where you were..." Jason turned round he had obviously been crying as his face was wet and he had tears in his eyes robbie starred "jase? What happened" he walked toward his twin, jason covered his eyes and started to cry,Robbie didn't see jason cry too much he pulled his twin towards his chest jason slumped down the wall and continued to sob, Robbie kept his tears in as his brother cried "what is it,what's wrong jase" asked robbie, jason wiped his eyes "nothing" he said as he got up and splashed his face robbie just looked at his twin "No jase there is something wrong you don't just cry in my arms!" Jason turned to his twin and smiled "I'm fine".

Robbie and Jason left together and headed to class.

Jason and Robbie left school together robbie looked at jase "you weren't hungry for breakfast,lunch and probably not dinner" jason starred "I.." Robbie rolled his eyes "don't deny it jase".

At dinner jason muttered "I'm not hungry I had a chippy earlier" robbie just glared "did you jase I'm not so sure" he smirked.

Jason then went for a run he hadn't eaten all day felt dizzy due to lack of insulin.

He arrived home after his 1 long run.

Robbie opened the door "jase you look exhausted" jason just shrugged and went on in but he got a jabbing pain in his stomach, he grabbed the stair banister,Robbie noticed "jase,you ran to much sit still" jason sat on the sofa "im fine" robbie starred "you sure" Jason just left.

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