Jason roscoe fan fiction!

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Robbie looked at his twin "what you playing at jase,you hardly eat and you forgot your insulin, that ain't you" jason didn't know how to reply, his silence angered robbie "ANSWER ME" jason glared at his brother "I don't have anything to say alright I forgot to take it and I weren't hungry,now let me sleep" jason turned away.

Robbie stormed out of the room and walked past his family who were now heading into Jason's room he knew something was up he was his twin it hurt that he wouldn't talk.

Jason sat alone after his family had left, all his hard work he had starved himself of food and insulin and now it was slowly being given back to him, it was torture.

They next day jason left the hospital, Robbie greeted him in the car and helped him to his bedroom sandy and Robbie wouldn't leave him alone they were suffocating him.

Jason felt vile he was weighing more on the scales he just felt disgusting he knew he couldn't eat but he had to act like he was he decided to pretend to eat and then make him self sick He was getting desperate he needed to be perfect.

"Dinner" sandy called,  Jason panicked as he sat down he took one look at the food and he began retching loudly robbie gave him a worrying glance "jase?" Jason just ignored him even the smell was making him sick he watched his brothers and mum eat their dinner, he just couldn't he starred at the spaghetti dish and stopped him self from gagging he picked his fork and took a small bit,then another after a few fork fulls he couldn't take anymore he got up "I CANT, IM NOT HUNGRY" he yelled.

He left his shocked family behind as he ran out.

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