Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Robbie was lying in his bed the following morning he woke up and then remembered his twin brother was still missing,He grabbed his phone but there was no messages from Jason.

Jason moaned slightly when he got up he felt dizzy his head hurt and he needed his insulin.

The police came round the next  day "hello, we just wanted to ask a few questions" sandy nodded "well how was he leading up to his disappearance" Freddie interrupted "he was quiet, and the night before he said a sort of goodbye to all of us" the police woman frowned "goodbye?" "He told me he loved me and he always would" robbie said looking down "Thank you, Is there any reason to believe he might harm himself" Joe yelled "Jason is diabetic stop wasting time and look for him!" The police woman starred "we are doing everything we can" ziggy shook his head "Jason would never harm himself not like that".

Robbie and Freddie headed out in the car to look for him even though the police had said that wasn't a good idea they couldn't sit in just waiting, Robbie texted jason "jason if your alright let us know, we just want you home!" He pressed send hoping for a reply.

Jason looked at the message but before he could reply or not he swayed sideways and fell to the floor he was feeling weaker and he knew he was going to collapse if he didn't take his insulin, jason didn't care he just wanted the perfect body he had lost weight he just knew he had but he had know way of checking how much, he felt his dizziness come on he sat with his head in his hands.

"Jason didn't reply, what if we are too late" robbie said sounding desperate and  looking at Freddie "I don't know robbie" Freddie said trying not to show how scared he was.

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